In the afternoon of Wednesday,
November 19, 2008 -- scarcely more than 3 months ago -- we received
a phone call from an associate here in Guayaquil, Dr. Neville Solomon [
3 ].
"Warn Greg immediately! They're trying to kidnap him! There's an unmarked plane waiting
at Guayaquil airport. They've got phony extradiction papers, and they have
the assistance of paid-off immigration officers and members of the
U.S. Embassy!"

Apparently, Dr. Solomon -- who
bears a vague physical resemblance to my husband, Greg -- was abducted
by local police, along with his 16 year old son, Michael, taken to the
parking lot of the local Immigration office, and interrogated for over
an hour and a half inside two official vehicles, one of which belonged
to the U.S. Embassy. They released Dr. Solomon and his teenage son
only after they had sent additional agents to surround our home,
roughly 25 km. away, where they camped out for the next few days.

Little did they know that
Greg was 100 miles away on business, with no intention of coming
home until we investigated what was going on.

Working with Ecuadorean officials,
we were able to piece together what happened and determine that the
entire operation was "rogue." In fact, it was completely illegal and
in violation of the extradiction treaty which the U.S. has with
Ecuador. Dr. Solomon went ahead and filed
a "Denuncio" -- and within the last two weeks, not one, but two,
officials from the U.S. Embassy have been expelled by Ecuadorean
President, Rafael Correa. [
4] They will not be
invited back any time soon.

For years now, we have been hearing
and reading about "extraordinary renditions," where officially and
unofficially, various U.S. agents are involved in kidnapping people
and taking them to any one of several hundred prisons and torture centers which
the CIA and other alphabet agencies of U.S. Goverment maintain to
depopulate the world of people who don't agree with their policies --
foreign or domestic. [
5 ] The usual crock is used
to justify this kind of deplorable behavior -- that only terrorists are
being targeted. Never mind that their target of people is so broad that
the word "terrorist" could and should be redefined to be "any person who,
in the opinion of anyone working for the U.S. Goverment, directly or
indirectly, does not agree with official U.S. Goverment policy or
is otherwise guilty or potentially guilty of adversely impacting
the profitability of one of its major corporate campaign donors."

About a week after the attempted
abduction, I received a phone call from a medical doctor in the U.S.
who was physically present in the offices of
Life Extension
in the 1990's when they were raided by the FDA. He told me that a
"failed abduction" usually leads to a cover-up, "In this case," he said,
"you can expect them to add your husband to the Interpol wanted list,
and backdate it to before the illegal kidnapping to cover their hide."

And sure enough, true to their
corrupt ways,
that is exactly
what they did. [
6 ]

The truth, of course, is that the cracks in the
foundation of modern medicine are so huge and so irreparable that only fraud and
heavy handed police tactics can hold their evil empire together. The
U.S. Government's ridiculous
fraud and
FDA drug charges
against Greg are so ludicrous that they are
readily and summarily dismantled in
Chapter 3 of Meditopia. And that is the greatest sin of
all in today's global health care system: exposing the simple fact that Modern
Medicine has degraded into a despotic system of organized crime, unable
to reform itself and completely lacking in any capacity to raise itself
out of its own filth, corruption, and all-consuming greed.

Cancer patients who are considering outmoded
methods of addressing their illness -- chemotherapy, radiation, and highly
invasive surgical procedures, the modern medical equivalents of 18th century
"bloodletting" -- should ask themselves, "If I would never
consider going to the 'mob' to heal my affliction, then why should I listen to
medical authorities and their bribe-taking, bureaucratic, goverment toadies
who behave just as badly?" Can you really trust people
who use these kind of tactics to sustain their medical hegemony?
More to the point, "If Modern Medicine offered solutions that were really
effective would they have to resort to mafia tactics to sustain their
supremacy over far less costly and supposedly 'less effective' alternatives?"

The answer is so obvious it
hardly requires a response.

(But read
Chapter 4
anyway if you're not convinced.)
Cathryn Caton, N.D.
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador