Guayaquil, Ecuador -- (June 8) . . . Tonight,
after returning from
Baņos, where I was
visiting a fellow herbalist, I happened to get a phone call from the States.

In the course of that conversation,
the subject of
Earth 2100
came up -- a two-hour ABC program (see
official site), espousing an apocalyptic view of the future
if mankind doesn't reform his ways soon, that aired just
six nights ago (see
one of the
official trailers from YouTube, scored to Frou Frou's "Let Go," or a
less dramatic version
with more intellectual gravitas. Better yet -- click on the Wiki link above).
For those of you who participated in this media event --
still hungering for more because the
History Channel's
gruesome, recurring
renderings of
doomsday predictions just isn't producing enough adrenaline anymore, and for those
of you who didn't . . . I have news.
It's too late to reverse what's coming . . . and
only an uninformed observer or unabashed propagandist would think that we'll need 90 years to get there.

Given the frantic pace that underground
military bases and huge city dwellings have and are being built by the Power Elite over the past 65 years,
I suspect they know it, too. [

This Ashwin details how I spent five years of
my life coming to that conclusion -- actually, "revelation" would be more apt --
how it dovetails with the work of Alpha Omega Labs,
and how one amazing "vision quest" contributed to the process.

While imprisoned in the U.S. on bogus
FDA charges -- (an issue I summarized in
last September's Ashwin, with greater expansion in
Chapter 3 of Meditopia) --
I devoted my time to reading over 350 books on history, medicine, politics,
philosophy, agriculture, entheogens . . . and escatology.

The real mind-bender
in the group was
Terence McKenna's first book,
Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching, which developed
Timewave Zero,
a numerological sequence which uses the rise and fall of "novelty" to explain critical
junctures in human development -- including the beginning and end of civilizations.
(Reduced to a mathematical formula, Timewave Zero is available as a software program,
Fractal Time).
Therein McKenna established what appears to be the winter solstice of 2012 as
an indefineable "end" to the current cycle.

I had already been exposed to Man's
propensity to become attracted to specific future dates as significant
points of chaos in the time continuum -- having witnessed (and participated in)
Even in absorbing the material in McKenna's first book, I found the concept itself
unoriginal, having first been exposed to "2012" as a significant date
when reading Ken Kalb's
Grand Catharsis (originally published in 1969).

So, for me, it wasn't about the date.
It was about processes. It was about trying to figure out if my own civilization
was on the verge of collapse -- forget trying to nail an exact date -- with the same
rapidity as the three grand examples provided in Tainter's
The Collapse of Complex Societies.

After I got out of prison (March, 2006),
I read the majority of the extant literature on "2012" and in May, 2007, flew
to Sedona, Arizona to participate in a "Wisdom Gathering" at
Dr. Chet Snow's,
where five prominent leaders of different indigenous groups shared
their surprisingly common visions of an imminent collapse. (The two
I found most compelling and impressive in their presentations were
Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma,
who summarized the
Hopi prophecies
and "preparation" activities (primarily dealing with storable food and water in underground dwellings)
which members of the Hopi nation are currently engaged in ...
and Lakota activist,
Russell Means.
Fortunately, I was able to spend private time with both men to get more details on their views.
Grandfather Martin was able to point to photos of ancient petroglyphs and divine the coming of
"what you would call a police state -- right here on Turtle Island [the United States] ...
and here -- do you see this? The dotted line that leads away? That represents people like
yourself who are leaving because you sense what's coming!" Not long after the Elite turn
the United States into a fascist hell-hole -- in Grandfather Martin's view of the ancient
Hopi prophecies -- earth changes would begin in earnest -- (read Book of Revelations,
Chapter 18, substituting "United States of America" for "Babylon" . . . and you'll get the
general idea).

As for Means, the man
was almost giddy over the very idea of a complete collapse of civilization, "I'm routin'
for our Mother . . . I'm cheering for Mother Earth . . . and you know what? . . .
I can't wait! . . . Boy, I just can't wait!!"

Three and a half months later, I left the U.S.
to live in Ecuador. (My wife and son had already moved there.) And among the things
I set out to do was to speak with indigenous leaders and shamans to see if there was
any correlation with what I was hearing in North America. I also sought out to have
my own entheogenic experiences, so that I, too, could travel the path that Terrence
McKenna and his brother had travelled over 35 years earlier in this same corner of
South America.
"You Have 40 Years - No More."
 On May 17th (2009) I drove with friends
to El Coca
to visit with Master Shaman, Francisco Siguenza ("Don Bartolo") -- who runs a
school for shamans in Orellana Province. He doesn't call himself a "Master
Shaman," but it the only way I know to describe someone who is so well-respected
among indigenous visionaries, that he is sought out by hundreds of other shamans
from tribes throughout the Amazon region.
 My interest was not so much centered
on his extensive herbal knowledge as it was the reports I was receiving
concerning his prophetic visions.
 According to Don Bartolo, he first
began to receive apocalyptic visions in 1984, and it was at that time
that he received startling, clear images of massive, worldwide flooding --
something akin to the story in Genesis of Noah and the flood. He says
he has repeatedly seen the Amazon basin being covered in water and the
western coastline of South America up to the Andes destroyed by massive
tsunamis. Initially he was told, "You have 40 years . . no more" (which
would equate to the year 2024). However, he reports that in more recent
visions he has been told that the Purification would have to begin sooner.
 Interestingly, his visions mimic
comments I hear all over the Amazon. Don Agustin Grefa of Tena
told me a year and a half ago that impending earth changes were
widely seen by Amazonian visionaries . . . that he saw early signs
of these changes manifesting in 2011 so that most earth people would be
aware of their imminence by that time . . . and that children were
already being taught how to survive in the extensive cave systems
that exist throughout the province there (Napo).

The day after my journey to see
Don Bartolo, I visited the director of the local museum in
anthropologist, Carlos Hidalgo, to discuss the recently discovered
end time writings on the
ancient ruins of Copataza. [
3 ]
Located in Pastaza Province, the stone carvings, now deciphered,
talk about the changes in the earth at the end of the current age.
Although an exact date has not been assigned to the ruins, they
are so old that neither the Shuar nor the Sarayaku who live in
the area around the ruins -- found where Rio Copataza and Rio Pastaza
meet -- have an explanation in their oral traditions as to who
or what produced the monuments.
Hidalgo, himself
an intense academic with extensive knowledge of the cultural
anthropology of the area, speaks volumes about the beliefs of the local
people as it pertains to massive, impending changes -- all linked
to man's abuse of Earth Mother (Puchamama).

Traces of evolving "end of times"
ethos in the Amazon come from the most unexpected places.
In Pastaza, women of the Sarayaku tribe are known for their
ceramic work. While visiting one ceramist, I happened to
ask about a tableful of various strange looking
creatures, "Oh, those," the Sarayaku woman replied,
"Those are demonic entities. They live in the trees, streams,
mountains -- but they are not permitted to come out until the
end of the age. When this time comes, which is soon, they
will be let loose . . . "

There was a cool breeze
in those early morning hours of November 11, 2006. I had gone
to the beach to spend time with Ed Tuttle and his wife, Tonya,
who run a retreat not far from the shore, called
Appropriately, their website is called
Sacred Journey.

Back in those days I was scurrying back
and forth between the United States and Ecuador -- focusing on trying to
Ecuador Passion Fruit,
and preparing for my exit. (I had already received premonitions that
corrupt FDA officials were manufacturing perjured testimony against me --
standard operating procedure these days --
making it impossible for me to finish my probation, no matter what I did.
My choice was to leave the U.S. -- or go back to prison on yet more
drummed up charges.) [
4 ]

The previous August (2006)
I had my first Ayahuasca experience in a one-on-one
vision quest which I took with Ed at the retreat. Several
more journeys were taken that fall and now I had
come back for a weekend of meditation and repose. [
5 ]
About 11 p.m., I drank my third glass of the concentrated
concoction, then went off with Cathryn, back to our room,
to finish our visionary journeys alone.

Over the next four
hours, I was caught in alternating fits of profusely vomiting the bitter brew . . . and reclining
to experience the visions -- ever intent on unlocking their
inner meaning.

About 2 a.m. -- after hours of
viewing what appeared to be bands of gold ribbons passing from
right to left -- all with engravings, in
letters consistent in form, size, and style . . . something I can
only describe as a cross between Sanskrit and Hebrew, time
momentarily froze. My heart stopped . . . breathing ceased . . .
I felt as if I had fallen into some altered, super-conductive
state of awareness . . . and then it happened.
"Change The World."

Not only were the letters not
foreign or unrecognizeable, but the message was clearly written
in English. It was the first time in several hours that I had
seen anything that had any decipherable meaning.

"Change the world?" I asked within
the confines of my own mind. "How can I change the world?
I couldn't even save myself or my family!" I protested. [
6 ]

"You can and you must . . . it is written,"
came the reply -- clearly, unmistakeable, as if God himself
were speaking into my ear . . . except this was a level of divinity or
spirit beyond sex or gender, pure, full of love and compassion,
and as distinctly real as if someone you know were standing
next to you and speaking into your ear. [
7 ]

I saw many things those
early morning hours -- most of which I will leave absent here
because so much of the instruction was quite personal.
In time, after many months of reflection, I have come to believe
the admonition to change was global, as if applicable to
the entirety of humanity. I also came to believe
that "Change the World" embodies our embracing, rather than
rejecting, the "beauty in the breakdown." That as eternal
spiritual beings, a wider vision of our world will allow us to
see that the Earth can and will take it upon herself to do away
with this horrific, Luciferian class of Elitists who are intent
on destroying the earth, because we either cannot or will not stop them.

Alpha Omega Labs,
we deal with cancer patients all the time who begin to
experience a type of
Herxheimer Effect
after Cansema initiates a die-off of their cancer. Fever, fatigue, sometimes nausea . . .
these are all "Herx symptoms" through which we have to
counsel people. And there are two ways to view Herx symptoms:
that it's a horrible thing, having to deal with unpleasant
healing symptoms, OR, more positively, that something good
is happening, the inconveniences are of short duration,
and the end result will be a state of health.

Mother Earth is about to
unleash a die-off of her own . . . a pruning of what is
corrupt and unreformable. I don't know the date.
I wasn't told. I have only been shown the processes and how
they will unfold. For her part,
Alpha Omega Labs is involved --
as are others in Ecuador -- with growing, storing, and sharing
the information on, hundreds of medical plants in the
coastal, mountain, and rainforest (Oriente) regions. It is
akin to the "monastic option" proposed by Morris Berman. [
8 ]

What world we create
after the petri dish has been cleaned out should be our
focus now. For our sake and for the sake of all living
creatures on this planet, that world should take into
account our conscious recognition that this act of house
cleaning was necessary . . . that our unspoken Declaration
of War against mother nature was a Declaration of War
against ourselves.

And it is in that
return to our roots, to our Mother, to what is pure
and unspoiled, that we will find ourselves . . . that
we will end this 6,000 year Luciferian nightmare. [
9 ]

Viewed in that
context, there is nothing to mourn or regret. In fact . . .
it would appear that everything is running just as it

. . . for,
in all actuality, it was probably planned this way
from the very beginning.

Greg Caton --- Founder
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador