To Our Readers in the U.S. -- The products/devices mentioned on this page,
and the information presented herein, have not been examined or evaluated by the
U.S. Food & Drug Adminstration. Therefore, these products are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The Traditionals
 There are agencies in every advanced
country regulating the sale and marketing of pharmaceuticals or products
claiming to have pharmaceutical properties. Considering how ubiquitous
promoters of useless, even dangerous, products are, no one could sensibly
argue that these agencies do not fulfill a critical role.
 However, as we argue in our
herbal suppression page, too often
these agencies work in violation of the
mandates and statutory authority that created them. This is true even
of herbal formulas with ethnobotanical histories of successful use that go
back hundreds of years.
 Although made popular in the mid to
late 20th century, each one of the above three formulas (and their variations,
created to provide some questionable proprietary differentiation, based
on pricing motivations), have indigenous roots that make them older than
the entirety of modern orthodox medicine. Two of three endured extensive
legal battles by orthodox medicine to smear any thought that these products
had any validity to them whatsoever -- despite histories which, placed
juxtapost to modern pharmacology, could only be characterized as ancient.
 This month
we introduce,
Essex Botanical, Hoxsaic, and Mojave Nectar on
this site. (These products are made in Canada and resold by Alpha
Omega Labs under special arrangements with the manufacturer).
 Priced at only $18.95
for a 32 fl. oz. (roughly one liter) bottle, we feel these products
offer an important nutraceutical adjunct to the ailments for which
they have been traditionally used for countless generations.

Prospero & Reforma
 Within the past thirty
days, two formulas were introduced -- both of them highly
touted among CAM physicians and naturopaths alike -- from
Dr. Donal J. Carter, a celebrated formulator and
nutraceutical researcher. These formulas are:
designed for men with BPH and related prostate problems;
and Reforma,
for women suffering from symptoms created by menopause
and PMS.
 We especially encourage
our practitioner/resellers to examine the information on these
products carefully.
Note to our Readers:
This is 10th edition of the 2nd year
of our Ashwin (pronounced "Ah-sh' win"),
covering August, 2003.
Previous editions are archived.
If you have questions,
email us.

Latest in a new lineage
of external detoxifiers
is not the first of its kind --- but we believe it may well
be the best. The use of the machine is familiar and was well
popularized with the introduction of the
Q2 B.E.F.E. Water
Energy System: the patient or user places his feet into a
bath. Next a device which passes current into the water is
placed into the bath. These devices are easy to use and
results can be realized within a few days.
See product page
for more details.
Herbal Destination Tidbits

 In our ever ending search for
the herbal secrets of various indigenous groups, last month took us
to the Cayo District of Belize ( map)
-- the only English-speaking country in Latin America
and home of the late Mayan herbalist,
Don Elijio Panti.
 Mr. Panti is a medicinal
herbal legend, even today, and
his protege, Rosita Arvigo, still practices in San Ignacio.
(Ms. Arvigo is the founder of Belize's six-thousand-acre Terra Nova
Medicinal Plant Reserve and the Panti Mayan Medicine Trail -- a
popular and educational tribute to Don Elijio.
 If you ever
happen to visit San Ignacio, you might also visit the
humble abode of Harry Guy -- a local Mayan herbal
healer with a rather remarkable track record,
according to locals we spoke to.
We were struck with the rather DIRECT advertising
we saw in Cayo, and when we asked a local attorney
how they could "get away with it," he answered
simply, "How can they NOT get away with it?
The people here have a deep and abiding respect for
herbal traditions. It is part of our culture.
Modern medicine cannot take away the people's
respect for herbal methods that
have worked successfully for hundreds of years..."
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rights reserved. This page posted : 8/10/2003, updated