Back in April, 2009,
I wrote an
article, provably discrediting one of Big Pharma's pet projects,
Stephen Barrett's
This disreputable operation is devoted to
the systematic discrediting of any and everything
that doesn't direct credibility and sales to the Medical Industrial
Complex. As you can surmise, this author, Alpha Omega Labs, and Cansema®
are all prominently covered therein -- in the most pejorative terms possible.

Quackwatch isn't working.

There are so many people "waking
up" to the ubiquitous deceit that runs throughout the entire foundation
of modern, orthodox medicine, that a large segment of the population no
longer believes their well-crafted myths and storylines.

Time to change tactics.

A few days ago, a friend emailed me
to ask if I knew anything about
WOT® --
a website with the obstensible purpose of protecting consumers against
disreputable internet merchants. In fact, "WOT" stands for "Web of Trust,"
and the lead line at the top of the
site reads,
"Would you like to know which websites you can trust?"

"A laudable project," I thought.
After all, we ourselves have been called on the carpet for being so
outspoken about other websites that deceive the public, take money
without shipping product or providing credible customer service, post
false information or representations, etc. Only when I dug a little deeper
was I able to uncover its covert purpose.

In the lower right hand side of
the opening page, there is box that reads,
"Check the reputation of your
favourite website." I had already been forwarned by my friend that every
alternative health care website he knew had a "poor" rating. Not given
to take his word for it, I entered one of our most trafficed websites,

The WOT system rates websites in
four areas. These areas and the rating given to HerbHealers.com are / were
as follows:
- Trustworthiness: Very Poor (5 out of 100 points)
- Vendor reliability: Very Poor (3 out of 100 points)
- Privacy: No rating.
- Child Safety: No rating

Because of our strong commitment
to reliability and service over Alpha Omega Labs' seventeen (17) years as
an internet company, I knew something was amiss. So I called a close
friend to have several of our customers join the site; and post honest, positive
ratings to the system. Two of our associates had their WOT membership
summarily cancelled shortly thereafter, and the other posts failed to make the
ratings budge.

The fix was in . . . and then
I realized that this was just another tool of orthodoxy to defame
whatever it is that they don't like. Even someone as reputable as
Mike Adams -- a friend for the past 13 years -- best known for his
leadership at the helm of
NaturalNews.com has warned about
this development
in a recent article, wherein he claims,
"WoT is being exploited by some truly evil groups who are using it as a censorship
weapon to try to stifle websites featuring natural health information."

At no other time in history
have consumers had to work so hard to get honest, unbiased information
on the things that matter most. We live in an age when financial
irresponsible governments can use their muscle to obtain favorable
credit rates . . . protesters of unfair policies can be thrown in
jail for exercising their right to assemble . . . politicians
can get elected with the use of fraudulent voting machines that
are deliberately designed to provide no audit trail . . . vendors of
natural products can be imprisoned for publishing true, accurate,
and verifiable facts about their products . . . and now internet
merchants that provide superior products and services without
having made the appropriate payoffs to the right politicians can
be defamed without recourse.

Nonetheless, we can fight
back against even the most sophisticated "censorship weapon." Below
I have posted the links to Alpha Omega Labs' websites wherein you
can make your vote heard. To be frank, I cannot say that it will
do any good . . . but I also know that nothing possible ever results
from doing
nothing against this kind of online tyranny.
We should at least try. Here are the links:
- Herbhealers.com
- AlphaOmegaLabs.com
- Altcancer.com
- Altcancer.net

You can relate your experiences
in using this sytem to us at

Greg Caton --- Founder
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador