To Our Readers in the U.S. -- The products/devices mentioned on this page,
and the information presented herein, have not been examined or evaluated by the
U.S. Food & Drug Adminstration. Therefore, these products are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
 As is pointed out in
numerous book reviews covered in our
Zone, the diet of most of the inhabitants of Western Civilization
is woefully undernourishing -- and for reasons that vary from
overuse of depleted agricultural soils to substandard
processed foods to shelf-life demands that test the
limits of nutrient lability.
 The most popular,
current crop of comprehensive "once a day" vitamin, mineral,
herbal support formulations are easy-to-take liquid
formulas. Most formulas are a 30 day supply and run
anywhere from $19.95 to $39.95 in price.
 This month we introduce
Life Force -- weighing in at 30 fl. oz., a 60 day
supply, for just $9.95.
 For those who still
think that "you get what you pay for" is the overriding
governing principle in the nutritional market, read our
introductory page on AquaMarine
Life Force.
Research You Can Do At Home:
Bread Mold Test & Emag+
At Alpha Omega Labs,
we have been on the cutting edge of alternative electronic
medicine: from the introduction of Russian Zappers
(from not one, but three Russian sources:
and Ecomed),
to the Prologue
(which on the merits of its pain relief capabilities alone merited
its formal approval with the Russian Ministry of Health) to
the Emag+ --
(all of which preceeded our reintroduction of
Tesla Photon).
The anti-microbial potential
of the Emag+ is demonstrated in the
simple mold test performed above from July 15 to August 15, 2003.
The Emag+ was used for this test (i.e. specs: 45K volts,
high e-field, 90/10 duty cycle, magnetic was 100 milligauss
at 6 inches, 15 torr helium tube), and the following process
was followed:
- The researcher evenly licked a single piece of white bread.
So the bread had it's normal yeast etc. plus the bacteria from
the oral cavity of the researcher.
- The bread was cut into four pieces and placed in baggies.
Other than licking the bread, all contact with the bread was with baggies on
the researcher's hands.
- Four separate environments were created.
- Once a week blasting one piece with an electric field only.
- Once a week blasting one piece with a magnetic field only.
- Once a week blasting one piece with both combined electric and magnetic.
- One piece was the control group and was not blasted in any way.
- All four pieces were stored next to each other in an equal humidity, light and temperature environment.
- Twenty mold and fungus frequencies were applied for 2 minutes each equaling a 40 minute blast per session.
Final results were as follows (see picture above for
- The E and (E with M) treated bread was white and clean.
- The magnetic only had a small amount of mold in one corner.
- The control bread was covered with white and black mold.
- The white spots you see on the control bread are actually white mold, not clean bread.
Could tests, such as
this one, explain why anecdotal reports of microbial
pathologies -- from ecoli to food poisoning to candida
to strep, etc. -- report positively with the use of
the Emag+. It is, of course, premature to say,
but given the range of these electromagnetic fields and
their ability to penetrate deep into human tissue, there
is certainly cause for optimism as further research
is conducted. A test such as this one, is, admittedly,
simplistic and not of professionally constructed
-- but we point it out simply because it is
so repeatedly, even in the confines of one's own
home, without the need for professional laboratory supplies.
You can trust that more rigorous testing of this device
will be forthcoming and then reported on these pages.
September, '03 Update:
This is an update on the above test one month after
EMAG+ "blasting" ceased. The control bread continues
to go run wild with mold (probably "aspergillus niger"). This picture also shows
us that even on the M (magnetic) sample the growth of the mold was arrested.
The E/M and E remain nearly as white as the day they were purchased. A little
crusty though, from loss of moisture to ambient aridity. The "Mold & Fungus CD"
is just one of twelve CD's included with the purchase of the EMAG+.
Note to our Readers:
This is 11th edition of the 2nd year
of our Ashwin (pronounced "Ah-sh' win"),
covering September, 2003.
Previous editions are archived.
If you have questions,
email us.
Tesla Photon Returns
First covered in our
February, 2003
issue of the Ashwin, the
Tesla Photon machine is
a technology that has been in development for decades. Its
predecessor, the BELS machine, was discussed in
an detailed email
last May.
Since so many testimonials
have been received on the Emag+,
another bioelectric device we carry, some might wonder why
we went back to the developers of this device to perfect
it further and make it commercially available. Admittedly,
a real impetus in our efforts was the growing popularity
of the Vibe Machine -- another
variation of the BELS machine, which wholesales for
an astonishing $17,200 (USD). Since we had an insider's
view of this device, and knew all the developers and their
varying levels of contribution to the development of
"Vibe," we knew what it SHOULD cost. A growing list
of testimonial inputs has provided a certain "aura" around
the Vibe Machine, but again, it is only the revival of
lost technology -- which one learns when reading Tom
Valone's piece,
Healing, its History and a Rationale for its Use (PDF format).
Those wishing to know more
about this amazing device are invited to read the
page and the
User's Manual.
Any questions can be address to us
via email.
The Immune
 With this
issue of the Ashwin,
we introduce our own
complete line of Transfer Factor products --
both specific and non-specific. Because so much
misinformation has been put out about this
important, cutting-edge development in the
field of immunology, we recommend a thorough
reading of our
introductory page.
< ----
Potassium Iodine Hoxsey Solution.
Many formulas claim to be the original Hoxsey formula,
and for varying reasons, they lack the one non-herbal
ingredient that Hoxsey claims was important to
make it work. We remedy this problem with an
inexpensive addition: Potassium Iodine Hoxsey
Solution. A simple $4.95 "add-in," this product
is calibrated so that by adding it at a 1:1
ratio, you get the 7.7% potassium iodine content
that is reflected in his original product.
We believe that both Hoxsey and essiac formulas
benefit from this addition. You may remember
some mention of this compound in our intro
page on Lugol's
< ---- Shilajit is the first
of an entire line of ayurvedic products we will be adding this fall.
Hailed for its rejuvenating properties since antiquity in India,
Shilajit is a fitting way to introduce one of the mankind's most
important healing traditions: ayurveda. (By the way, many
formulas sold in the West are of ayurvedic origin, unbeknown
to the public at large. A good example is Vicks®
Vapor Rub, a standard OTC product found in pharmacies
SEAD 6000
 Although the Tesla Photon
machine reflects what we believe to be the cutting edge in
bioenergetic technology -- and it is certainly more cost
effective than its competition than the
Vibe Machine,
it is not the only
bioenergetic machine showing promise.
 To provide an additional
option to our practitioners and resellers, we are making available
the SEAD 6000 DC from Multidimensional Technologies (see the
Manual for specifics).
 While a separate product
page is being constructed for SEAD, you can
email us with any pricing queries.
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© 2001-2003 Alpha Omega Labs • Nassau, Bahamas • All
rights reserved. This page posted : 9/13/2003.