Alpha Omega Labs
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Note that "Lab Notes" are posted by Alpha Omega researchers and none of its content
is intended to convey that any particular product can diagnose, treat, cure or prevent
any disease. All anecdotal information is preliminary.
Lab Notes : H3O & Head Lice
"... I have used H3O to kill head lice. I mixed the product at a pH of 2.0. After shampooing. We applied H3O to the scalp and left it on for approximately 1 to 2 minutes, then rinsed. After rinsing out of the H3O, shampoo was applied. The results showed no bugs and few nits. After the hair was dried, the remaining nits were brushed out using a regular brush and not a nit comb. Note that the remaining nits wre dead and crumbled between the fingers. We used this process on three children with the same results: no remaining bugs or nits... "

Of the half dozen or so cases of which we are aware, H3O has consistently been reported to eliminate head lice. All of them were in the approximately pH 2.0 range. Concerning head lice as an application for H3O, we are now interested in seeing if we can find a case where H3O does NOT get rid of the lice.

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