Alpha Omega Labs
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Note that "Lab Notes" are posted by Alpha Omega researchers and none of its content
is intended to convey that any particular product can diagnose, treat, cure or prevent
any disease. All anecdotal information is preliminary.
Lab Notes : H3O & Herpes Sores
"As with most people who carry genital Herpes Simplex, I have had regular, almost monthly, bouts of herpes sores since I first contracted the infection. With the H3O, I found that with just 2 drops of the H3O concentrate in one teaspoon of water, the sores were gone after applying the small mixture for one or two days. My sores used to last the better part of a week."

H3O is both virucidal and non-corrosive, so it's easy to see why it would lend itself to this application. Other users have found similar results: that H3O significantly reduced the duration of the herpes outbreak.

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