7-Day Purity · 7-Day Digestive · 7-Day Urinary · 21-Day Cleansing
7-Day Cleaning Formula
Note: This program has been replaced by the AO Liver/Colon Cleasing Program.

21-Day Cleaning Program "All patients (in our 21-Day Cleansing Program test) reported an exceptional feeling of energy, cleaner feeling bodies, and regular bowel habits. Arthritic pains improved in 50% of patients, and 4 asthmatic patients reported fewer asthmatic attacks during treatment..."

Dr. Rudranath (Rudi) Rickhi
Tacarigua, Trinidad

All three 7-Day formulas making up the 21-Day Cleansing Formula carry the following directions:

DIRECTIONS: Mix one teaspoon in 8 oz. of warm or cold water, preferably twenty minutes before mealtime (three times per day) for 7 days. Take a daily supplement of L. acidophilus for at least 14 days af the end of the cleansing program to re-establish beneficial flora. To enjoy the benefits of this product without consumption of alcohol, add one teaspoon to a cup of hot, boiled water. Let sit for 5 minutes.


To users in the U.S.: this statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

7-Day Purity Cleanse - 4 fl. oz. - Code 1510 - $18.95
7-Day Digestive Cleanse - 4 fl. oz. - Code 1520 - $18.95
7-Day Urinary Cleanse - 4 fl oz. - Code 1530 - $18.95
The Complete 21-Day Cleansing Program - $54.95
3 x 4 fl. oz. - Code 1535
Order One or More of These Products Now

The three products above, sold separately, comprise a 21-Day Cleansing Program that is used by some indigenous tribes of the Peruvian Amazon. The first is a Depurative (7-Day Purity Cleanse); the second, Hepatic (7-Day Digestie Cleanse); and the third, Renal (7-Day Urinary Cleanse). The healers of Native Tribes in these parts of the Andes believe that keeping the body "purified" is essential to good health. By spending one week with each "systems," a 21-day, or three week program produces results that benefit the entire body. This formulary system is believed to be hundreds of years old, and has stood the test of time among the native groups who swear by it. Nonetheless, we provide the results by noted Carribean physician and surgeon, Dr. Rudranath Rickhi, of his own study of the products below.
Ingredients: Distilled water, 40% ethyl alcohol drived from sugar cane by volume, active herbals (located on the "Medicinal Herbs of the Western Amazonia" web page).

Dr. Rudranath Rickhi's Findings
Objective: To evaluate the effects and effectiveness of the 21-Day Cleansing System in the cleansing of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.
Setting: Private clinic in Trinidad
Date of Final Report: February 22, 1997
Subjects: Random sample of 30 patients.
Method: Random sample of patients were given a complete cycle of the preparation, for 21 days, as directed.

Effect was evaluated by the subjective impression of the patient as well as the improvements in physical examinations.


First Week - Depurativa
(7-Day Purity Cleanse)
20% of patients complained of very mild headaches
100% reported regular bowel movements, felt lighter, more energetic, increased urination with less fluid retention, indigestion had completely disappeared.

Second Week - Hepatica
(7-Day Digestive Cleanse)
All patients reported similar conditions as reported in the first week. In addition, all reported that the skin felt cleaner, with the disappearance of pimples, blackheads and acne. Some skin rashes also disappeared.

Third Week - Renal
(7-day Urinary Cleanse)
All patients reported an exceptional feeling of energy, cleaner feeling bodies, and regular bowel habits. Arthritic pains improved in 50% of patients, and 4 asthmatic patients reported fewer asthmatic attacks during treatment.

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Medicinal Herbs of the Western Amazonia

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