bipolar impulse stimulator of gastrointestinal tract, SZhKT -4-
Dunes (further referred to as "stimulator"), trademarked
Serebryanaya Tabletka (Silver tablet) (registration certificate
of Ministry of Healthcare of RF No. 29/02061097/1079-00 of
November 21, 2000), is destined for recovering of motor
evacuator and secretory activity of internals of the
alimentary tract. Used for general therapeutic,
gastroenterological, gynecological, urological, surgical departments of
medical prophylactic institutions. It has a wide range of influence on
human systems and organs. Stimulator may be used either in hospitals
or at home via practitioner prescription. Stimulator is improved
analog of well-known make called Kremlevskaya tabletka (Kremlin tablet)
and is the incarnation of modern home medical micro electronic progress
and latest technologies of non-medicamental influence either on separate
organs and systems or on human organism as a whole.
(Editor's Note:
All the "Russian zappers" we carry follow this "Kremlin tablet" model --
coatings, size of units, microvoltage used, and other factors aside).

The Silver Tablet is
designed taking into account physiological peculiarities of the human body,
and full and extensive safety of electrostimulation influence is provided. Application of
stimulator makes a great therapeutic effect curing either adults or
children, and in some cases is the only alternative method to surgical
operation available -- without there being potential loss of organ
(Editor's Note: The stimulator provides a far less
invasive approach, but, moreover, is often the best, if not only,
logical therapeutic choice.)
Mechanism and Principle of Operation
Silver tablet is a streamline
capsule consisting of two, serving as electrodes, metal half-spheres,
assembled on isolating bushing made of special plastic materials.
Inside the capsule there is a micro block-generator of bipolar
electric impulses, and power source. Bringing the capsule into humid
medium of organism there happens a electrode
locking and working program is being started by means of specialized
integral chip. The generator produces a complex of electric impulses close
by its parameters to those physiologically natural signals by which organs
and systems of healthy human being are controlled. Being in a mouth and
further in gastrointestinal tract (further referred as GIT), electric
impulses of Silver Tablet influence (various) tissues including vessels,
nerve-endings that stimulator may cover, causing organism reciprocal
reaction in the form of peristaltic waves pushing stimulation along and to
lower sections of GIT.
The Silver Tablet
advances the work of all intestine sections, organs and systems,
being surrounded by the GIT to which it is in such close contact.
It acts reflexively through organ reciprocal reaction to impulses
coming from stimulated organs via the central nervous system to all
organs and systems of the body, causing them to
become normal in series. Getting out of the body by natural means (in 1.5 - 2
days as a rule) the stimulator is disconnected automatically.
The mechanism of healing
influence of the Silver Tablet on an organism differs considerably from
traditional therapy with pharmacological preparations used. The recovery
of activity of the organs contained in the walls of plain muscular tissue
elements (in particular, GIT), and the tissues having lost normal function,
pulse currents are used (to remediate).
Stimulation of peripheral nerves
by electric impulses stirs up their metabolic process, (which in turn)
speeds up the disintegration processes of organic compounds with
calorification and
formation of substances being necessary for the vital functioning of nerve cells.
In turn all this promotes a normalization of conductivity and excitability
of peripheral nerves and speeding-up of their recovery. Further electric
stimulation of nerve tubes that contain vegetative conductors, strengthen
nutrition of innervated tissues, in consequence of this the intensity of
plastic and energetic processes in organs increases. At the same time nerve
regulation of clonus recovers itself, the muscle strength and volume increase,
their adaptation and tiredness barrier as well. Besides contractions and
relaxations of muscle fibers taking place during electric stimulation,
(the Silver Bullet) prevents muscle atrophy. At the same time a content of
compounds increases in cell plasma of muscle and nerve tissues feeding cells
with energy (ATP, kreatine-phosphate etc.), ferments increases in activity,
speed of oxygen utilization increases as well, power inputs for impulse
stimulated contraction decreases compared to usual, voluntary ones. Owing to
nerve fibers edema's decrease caused by inflammation, their conductivity
recovers leading to pain sensitivity's weakening.
Alongside with improvement of
functional features of stimulated nerves and muscles, electric impulses
deepen tissue-breathing in symmetrical muscles stir to activity a neurohumoral
regulation of organs and tissues. In aggregate all specified processes lead to
normalization of activity of the struck organs and systems, and human immunity
increase as well. Thus the so-called after-effect is kept - after unitary
application of a stimulator, activity stirring-up of all organs and systems
does not stop. After-effect lasts about six months after electric stimulation.
Possible sensations during usage of stimulator
Depending on a nerve system type
(individual sensitivity of every patient) some possible
not-exceeding-the-norm variants of inner sensations of the patients during
a stimulator's work inside a body, are observed. Many do not notice these
impulses at all that are similar by nature to human normal biorhythms.
Those whose sensitivity barrier is higher, feel painless spontaneous
contractions of stomach muscles, right-side abdominal muscles and
leg ones. (Editor's Note: This varies considerably from person to
person -- one Alpha Omega Labs' customer affectionately refers to his
zappers as "leg shakers" -- after the response he gets from them once
they enter the region of his cecum.)
Many men mark an erection
increase during capsule passing through a large intestine during some days
after it left the body. Some women describe a sensation of child bearing
when stimulator is inside. While keeping a stimulator inside a mouth,
a patient feels pricking of different intensity under a tongue.
Thus, a spectrum of possible sensations in every case unique and
depending on individual patient's organism features, is quite
varied - from very little sensation at all in one case to another
case that may involve a whole range of feelings.
Usage instructions and some results of treatment
Atony and cuts
of intestines of various genesis including:
- against background cerebral blood circulation violations;
- in postoperative period (including postoperative commissure processes);
- during traumas and poisonings;
- during peritonitis of different localization and widespread types. 90% of
this group have a positive result in treatment including intestine
peristaltic normalization and pain syndrome disappearing.
(Editor's note: The portion above
was the most difficult to comprehend and we are currently getting
clarification on the translation.)
Chronic Constipation & Vermifugal Activity
The Silver
tablet's treatment is the most effective in combination with diet
therapy and pharmacological medications, it prevents haemmorrhoids
and relieves its course. Duodenostasis (either general health of
the duodenum, or relief from
probably), and
dyskinesia of
biliary -
functional duodenostasis and postcholecyctitisectomic syndrome
(condition of the gallbladder),
dyskinesia of non-liver biliary. Despite the time limits
of the
stimulator being in this zone (swallowing it), it recovers either
motor functions of stomach and duodenum or bile duct system
of pancreas and non-liver biliary. The stimulator stirs up duodenum
activity and leads to bile secretion dynamics recovery (confirmed
by clinical results).
duodenostasis (ed:
probably meant
duodenitis), including
etiology. Electric stimulation has a negative
effect on vital activity of opisthorchiasis, as a result they cease
laying their eggs for 2 - 3 months and one may see clinical signs of
Hepatitis (includes acute viral ones).
Not only non-liver
biliary operation resumes but liver
cholepoiesistic function is stimulated as well.
Level of
quickly becomes normal and other indices of process activity,
state of health considerably improves and right
heaviness disappears. Stimulator is recommended to take repeatedly.
Chronic Pancreatitis
A bile duct system function
of pancreas is recovered and quantity of digestive ferments
standardizes, a paint syndrome diminishes.
Gastritis (hyperacid, normacid, anacid)
The stimulator
influence on the processes of blood and lymph microcirculation
in hollow organs as blood circulation dynamics in hollow tube walls
considerably owes active peristaltic contractions.
Disappearance of
sickness, discomfort sensations in
tract, is observed.
Stomach Ulcer
The stimulator is used only
during in phase of remission of the process. Promotes fast
cicatrization of ulcer defect owing to
metabolism processes improvement in a stomach or duodenum wall.
Functions (includes hard ones)
It is evenly shown that
autonomous stimulation promotes a volume and velocity increase
of lymph flow-out 5-6 times as much than during a usual catchment.
There were no lethal outcomes among patients who tried this method.
A Syndrome of Exasperated Large Intestine
After using the stimulator, a moderate
appearance can be observed via X-ray. A mucus and liquid volume decrease in
intestines can be indexed. Users' intestine motor-evacuator function
Postcholecystitis Syndrome
Electric stimulation is used
during early postoperative period. Positive influence on liver bile
secretive apparatus is observed. When using the stimulator one can
reduce early the postoperative period after
cholecystoectomy by 2 - 3 days,
prevent from postoperative
paresis of intestines and avoid a groundless bile loss during exterior
catchment of choledox (bile material).
(loss of tone within the muscules of the
vascular system)
An excessive heart beating,
and emotional lability disappearance is observed, arterial pressure index
becomes stable, a capacity of work increases.
Using of Silver Tablet leads to considerable cholesterol
level decreases in blood -- considerably more than is normally seen
from orthodox pharmaceutical therapeutics.
A normalization of lipid metabolism, which atherosclerosis' treatment
depends on, takes place.
Diabetes Mellitus (primarily Type II)
Health status is
considerably improved. Patients suffering from the Diabetes, Type I,
have their insulin dependence decreased in as much as Silver Tablet
stimulates pancreatic activity. Patients suffering from the Diabetes,
Type I and Type II, have their index of blood sugar content
normalized, a dosage of sugar level diminishing preparations decreases,
urine's index becomes normal as well.
Gynecological Problems
(Over time) female
sexual function decreases. Recovery processes accelerates and
inflammation decreases (with use of the stimulator).
Stimulator usage leads to menstrual cycle dysfunction recovery.
Besides, stimulator is effective for elimination of intestinal
paresis after any gynecological operations, and during postnatal
period as well.
Andrological Problems
(Over time) male sexual
function decreases. (The stimulator can be) used for prostatitis
curing and erection strengthening. Stimulator diminishes pain that
ceases quicker two to three times as much as during standard
treatments, such syndromes as
completely disappears.
effect confirmed by low level
in the gland is observed and leucocyte granules' level recovers.
Skin Diseases & Other Effects of Slag
Some patients' alimentary canal
effectively clears from slags and old stratification, done by Silver Tablet,
leads to considerable coverlet status improvement, skin allergenic
reactions' disappear as a result of organism being deprived of slags.
(Editor's Note: Russian medicine gives considerable attention to
keeping the GI tract clean and the effect of "slag" or metallic and
other heavy matter which can get 'stuck' in the GI tract on overall
health -- even the condition of the skin. Professionals who work
in colon hydrotherapy witness this firsthand --- clients very often
report a positive change in the condition of their skin as they
proceed through treatment).
We would like to notice that
practically every patient who used stimulator observes vital tonus
increase, health state improvement, melancholy disappearance, sleep and
appetite improvement, work capacity's increase and alcohol withdrawal
syndrome disappearance. Immunity levels increase considerably, a run
of many diseases is relieved including spasmodic asthma, blood pressure
becomes normal, patients suffering from either hypertension or hypotension,
have their health state improved, headaches and toothaches are removed,
sight improves, hemoglobin level index becomes normal. As medication-free
way of treatment, Silver Tablet is especially effective for patients who
have allergenic considerations regarding standard treatment, and patients
who are intolerant to medication.
Contraindications include:
- Mechanical intestines blockage
- Acute cardiac infarction, cardiac asthma, cardiac and vascular
aneurysm, serious heartbeat and blood circulation disturbances, presence of
the artificial heart beat manipulator.
- Epilepsy
- Diagnosed malignant new growths
- Pregnancy
- Hemorrhage of various genesis
- Acute tromboflebitis
Method of Using the Silver Tablet
The Silver Tablet can be used in
several ways: by swallowing the stimulator, inserting it in the rectum
or vagina, or by inserting the stimulator in the opening in the intestines
during the surgery. The choice of the method depends on the disease the
patient suffers from, his pathological condition, general condition,
and the circumstances of providing medical help.
In order to check the working condition
of the stimulator it is necessary to join the outputs of the indicator of the
attached luminodiode with the metal tips. The luminodiode is supposed to emit
light every 3 seconds. Before opening the stimulator pack it is necessary to
take down the electric potential by touching the hand to the ground metallic
structures or faucets.
Before using the stimulator it should be
soaked in the disinfecting solution (1.0 g of the washing liquid to 20.0 ml of
water) for 5 minutes; then washed thoroughly in the running water and put for
5 minutes in the 40% ethyl alcohol. (Editor's Note: We have no doubt that
many people skip this part of the program -- after all, how many people
thoroughly wash their fruits or vegetables before consuming them? Nonetheless,
we feel it is an important addition and should not be ignored.)
Holding the Stimulator in the Mouth
The method is based on the fact
that being held in the mouth the capsule stimulates the biologically active
points located in the mouth and closely connected to all cerebral centers.
It is used in pediatric cases, in the cure of seriously weakened patients,
as well as in those cases where it is difficult for a patient to bring
himself to swallowing the stimulator.
The capsule is placed underneath
the tongue for 10 to 30 minutes. In case there is a metal crown on teeth,
in order to avoid possible painful sensations, metal crowns should be
isolated by cotton plug, soaked in water.
(Editor's Note: Unless the
individual or practitioner is familiar with the Chinese system of
meridians, the material in this paragraph should be skipped.)
It is best to carry out the
treatment in the hours when the corresponding meridian is the least active
(taking into consideration knowledge of the 12 Chinese meridians, according
to which the life energy of a person circulates - one round of circulation
is completed in 24 hours). In the period of the least activity we can influence
through the meridian and with a help of the Silver Tablet on a diseased organ
or body system. The issue of how long the treatment should be (10 minutes
or more) should be decided individually, depending on the condition of the
patient, because the equal period of treatment can turn out to be too weak
for one patient, or too strong for another.
The course of treatment lasts
from 7 up to 30 days - until the stable positive result is achieved.
"Duna" is a device of a multiple use in case when taken orally
without swallowing. After the treatment the capsule should be washed
with water, soaked dry and kept in a waterproof container.
Recent Testimonials
(Editor's Note:
The following testimonials are of recent submission (to April, 2003)
from Russian practitioners and concern the usage of the Silver Tablet.
- Parasite infection. The patient P., age: 46. Diagnosis - a massive
invasion. He refused flatly to be hospitalized for opisthorchosis treatment.
During last 6 years suffered from chronic
cholecystitis with aggravation
every 1-2 days. Constantly had undergone treatment with drugs used for
curing that morbus. According to the patient,
did not virtually
pass off between meals, there had constantly been a bitterness in the mouth.
After single stimulator usage the complaints did not disturb the patient for
half a year. Afterwards the patient agreed for hospitalization and, after a month
of opisthorchosis treatment he swallowed the stimulator. After it the mentioned
above symptoms did not come out again.
- Diabetes - Type II. The patient R., age: 69. Diagnosis - diabetes of
the second type. He had been refusing to use the stimulator for a long time,
but at the urging of a nurse (she has been using the stimulator herself
for ten years) he agreed to swallow Serebryanaya tabletka. He could not
swallow the stimulator at once that's why he kept it in the mouth before
taking his pills during two weeks. After the first week of stimulator use
he managed to reduce dosage of pills taken half as much, blood sugar
concentration levels remained the same. After seeing a positive take he
agreed to swallow the stimulator. After a month, the attending physician
could not believe the result: blood sugar levels became normal (5 mmol/l),
he did not require blood sugar reducing drugs at all.
- Gallbladder. The patient K., female, age: 70.
During 7 years had been suffering from chronic cholecystitis. Regularly,
she underwent treatment in day and night clinic, was checked out with
improvement; but, however, aggravation started in 2-3 weeks.
On the recommendation of a physician she acquired Serebryanaya
tabletka, but she could not swallow it. She used the stimulator,
keeping it in the mouth, every day, twice a day, in the morning and in
the evening, during 15-20 minutes. On the third taking she fell
asleep and swallowed it. Next day she found out unusually dark liquid
stool. After a physician examination, he came to the conclusion:
a massive liver cleanup occurred.
- Hypertension. The patient B., female, age: 54. Lives in Achinsk,
a cardiac disease invalid. She has been long persuaded to adhibit
Serebryanaya tabletka. After two months she swallowed the stimulator at last.
After week stimulation it was possible to lower medicines' amount,
hypertensic crises decreased considerably, the patient marked increase
of vis vitae.
- Various disorders of the GI Tract.
A child, age: 7. Often was ill, has very bad appetite.
From 4 to 7 he underwent dysbacteriosis, kidneys and liver
morbus treatment, had a lowerleg morbus with idiogenesis.
The boy swallowed Serebryanaya tabletka. On the third day he asked
for a sausage (according to his mother it had never happened
before). During the following winter the boy never fell ill, grew an additional
three centimeters and put on the weight to four kilos.
- Infantile Indigestion.
A newborn baby suffering from posseting and retching has been given the
stimulator wrapped in cheesecloth, every day for 5 minutes instead of
dummy. When he was 5 months old his mother gave him the stimulator
for 5 - 7 minutes he took it into his mouth by himself and sucked it
with pleasure.
- Numerous fractures & severe trauma.
Patient P., age:13. Brought to resuscitation department of
children's hospital in the city of Tomsk (Russia)
after he fell down from an 8th floor. The boy had a numerous hip
and pelvis fractures, concussion of the brain and pain in both kidneys.
Being critically ill for 2 weeks in resuscitation, he was moved
to traumatology department where his mother (after 2 weeks minimal
nutrition) independently fed him a great quantity of ravioli and
fruit drink. The patient was brought again to resuscitation department
unconscious. Surgical treatment was carried out with further intensive
care. After surgical measure vermicular movement was entirely absent,
after endoscope examination the boy health status was considered to
be heavy. The patient, swallowing selectively, could not swallow
Serebryanaya tabletka by himself. The stimulator was administered by
catheter. By this time the intestines had not been functioning for
5 days. After electric stimulation, intestines began functioning, and
Serebryanaya tabletka was expelled the following day. The patient status
was still considered to be critical and the stimulator was administered
again. It left the body in 3 days, the boy's health status began to
sharply improve. He was checked out of a hospital in 1.5 days in
satisfactory condition.
- Hypertension. Patient T., age: 62. During 14 years she had
been suffering form hypertensive disease of the second stage, NK 2A.
On a physician recommendation she acquired Serebryanaya tabletka. By the
examination moment, her blood pressure had been 170/100 Mmhg. After
the first application of the stimulator (stimulator kept in the mouth
during the lowest meridian activity) blood pressure lowered to 150/90 Mmhg.
The patient health state was satisfactory. Further electric stimulation
treatment was prescribed.
- War-related Traumas.
Male, age: 40. Took part in war in Afghanistan. On returning, he had
an entire "bouquet" of diseases: insomnia (he slept 3-4 hours a days),
often depressions, one kidney was about to fail, practically constant
chronic pancreatitis aggravated, duodenum peptic ulcer, chronic piles
aggravated from time to time. After stimulator first using the man refused
to carry on prescribed therapy. He described his sensations after stimulator
using this way: "As if I was covered with absorbent cotton". The patient
became calmer, the sleep recovered. After 2 years he took the stimulator
again. By this time chronic pancreatitis had entered a stage of remission,
peptic ulcer prophylactic treatment was carried out in spring and autumn.
After Serebryanaya tabletka's repeated using he starts feeling a considerable
stamina increase, mood improvement. He is very happy with treatment
results very much.