It seems like a long time ago
now, but because I've kept my well-organized prison notes, this wasn't hard to
dig up. On Wednesday, April 7, 2004, I was pulled from my
jail cell at
Lafayette Parish
Correctional in Louisiana for a meeting
three agents from the FBI. Apparently, my trips to Moscow that
year set off alarm bells in Washington. (The truth is, we were selling
Russian zappers
back then; I was linking up with fellow herbalists in Moscow;
and I wanted to personally visit Dr. Vladimir Volkov
in St. Petersburg to discuss the medical results we were
getting with H3O. I couldn't attend to any of these matters
without going to Russia in person.) [
2 ]

I was brought to a conference
room on the second floor of the Federal Courthouse
and placed at the end of the table. Moments later, just
prior to the commencement of the meeting,
my U.S. Federal Prosecutor, Mr. Larry Regan, walked in, sat to my
left, and delivered his preamble:
"I'm here to inform you that
we have the power to grant you immunity on anything you disclose to
our agents today, with the exception of murder." At that point, he appeared
to nod expectantly and silently, as if to say, "You haven't done this, have you?"
... or ... "This doesn't pose a problem, does it?"

Right away, I realized I was
in yet another non-causal plane inside the U.S. Federal Government's version
of Twilight Zone,
"A dimension, not only of sight and sound, but of mind in dementia.
A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination.
Next stop, the Fed Zone."

Nonetheless, to keep the peace
and put the prosecutor at ease, I kept my response brief and
obsequiously polite, "Yes, I understand."

To my right were three FBI agents,
all seated in perfect alignment,
all smartly dressed, all closely coiffured, all rigidly serious in
countenance -- attaining a caricatural level of anal retention
rivaling the "agents" from
The Matrix.
You should have seen this . . .
it was quite formidable. I was impressed.
"What we want to know, Mr. Caton, are
what weapon systems you were bringing in from Russia," began the lead agent closest to me . . . .

A moment of silence ensued --- as I glanced around the room,
visually probing my surroundings in search of reaffirming evidence of solid
"Weapons? . . . . You mean, like . . . . arms?"


Another moment of silence.
"I'm an herbalist and a healer . . . I work with plants . . .
Do you know what an herbalist does?" I responded in a daze, completely taken back by the question.
"We're the ones who ask the questions here!"
yelled back the same lead agent, reverting, I presumed, to some prior incarnation
as a Marine drill sergeant. Further stunned and taken by surprise,
I felt like Dorothy in the Land of Oz -- making the mistake of questioning the
All-Knowing, All-Seeing Wizard.
All that was missing were the billowing flames to add theatrical effect.

The rest of the meeting went no better,
and before I knew it I was back in my jail cell, where I'd been waiting
nearly 7 months, wondering what charges the FDA was going to come up with.
3 ]

What I learned from that experience was that
power confers the ability to take even the most fanciful and seriously deranged
notions and forcibly make them legitimate. Not legitimate because they
are inherently so, but legitimate in the sense that you have the power to
cram them down ordinary people's throats. It isn't that the moon is really
made of green cheese. It's that you have the power to prosecute those who
would question your authority in having
commanded that people believe
the moon is made of green cheese. It isn't that using chemotherapy and radiation
to treat cancer aren't ridiculously and provably outdated. It's that you have
the power to prosecute -- kidnap, imprison, torture, kill . . . take your pick,
because the Medical Industrial Complex has done it all --
those who can prove they have therapeutic approaches that make these
billion dollar moneymakers obsolete. (An incorrigible situation,
as I made clear when I wrote
Impossible Dream.)
4 ]

I don't know . . . but there
seems to be a lot of this going around lately . . . And, of course, this
power and propensity to truth-twist seems to extend to those who
the powerful in perpetuating their "green cheese" illusions.

This point was brought home further
this afternoon (yes, Friday, March 13th), when we got an email from
Tony Isaacs, a fellow traveler in the alternative health care field,
who has written extensively about the cancer-fighting properties
of oleander.
"Have you seen this?" he asked . . .
and he provided a link:

At the bottom of the linked page
was a tirade against me, Alpha Omega Labs, and
Cansema®. It was obviously
written by
Toby McAdams, the professional FDA snitch who figures prominently
Chapter 3 of Meditopia.
(I could tell it was Toby because
(1) it was openly promoting his websites, which carry
counterfeit versions of our products,
(2) it makes laughably false statements about
Alpha Omega,
(3) it's a repetition of the same
material we'd been seeing for years from recipients of his email that
were nice enough to pass it on, and
(4) the post left an
unmistakeable pattern of typos that were quite recognizeable.)

It isn't enough that
Toby sent an extortion letter last August, which we summarily dismissed with a thorough
rebuttal of our own -- again,
delineated point-by-point. The fact that the FDA has actually
Toby in the theft of our intellectual property, violation of U.S. trademarks,
and distribution of counterfeit property -- all of which is covered in
Chapter 3 of Meditopia
with considerable detail and evidence, means that we cannot discount
his campaigns of confusion. They have the full support of the
"Disinformation Department" of the FDA itself.

In another day and another age, people got
sued for libel for things like this. But how do you respond when an agency of
the U.S. Government is complicit in the conspiracy? Immediately, Cathryn
got to work posting a reply on
TopicalInfo, and I got to work writing this
Ashwin. My style is more dissecting than my wife's, so . . . at the risk of yet again
daring to question authority, I present my rebuttal to the latest
"green cheese" statements.

But first . . . Toby McAdam's post --- in full,
cut and pasted, with typos and disinfo intact -- providing "[sic]" citations
only where typos or false and/or misleading statements appear, and an
where a statement is made that is actually truthful -- or, better yet, isn't provably false:
"We supplied Alpha Omega Labs with the Cansema black salves.
At ome time we made most for their products. [sic]
I quit sellng to them. [sic]
Greg was putting sulphuric acid in the black salve, [sic]
that is what caused the woman to lose her nose. [sic]
Grag [sic] Caton is a con and fraud [sic]
and his products do not have the ingredients that he states are on the label.
As for www.risingsunhealth.com and www.bloodrootproducts.com they have the real salves
and there is no flour in the salve. [sic]
Additionally, both companies were visited by the FDA and are still open.
Unlike Greg Caton and Alpha Omega labs
whom are wanted by the FDA and numerous others.
Be prepared if you buy products from Alpha Omega Labs, you may be visited by the FDA
for purchasing products that are banned.
Alpha Omega Labs is banned from selling products in the US
because of the dangerous and toxic ingredients used. [sic]
Most companies in the US that sell the same type of products follow protocols.
[sic] "

The reason the FDA has no problem
working with Toby McAdams as an inside snitch (see
Chapter 3) is because
he's an even more prolific liar than they are. There is only one sentence
in the entire statement that isn't suffering from a terminal case of
green cheese constipation. Let's dissect this thing:
- "We supplied Alpha Omega Labs . . . we made most of their products . . . "
-- There is not one single
item that Alpha Omega Labs ever purchased from Toby McAdams, or any of
his entities. Period. He was a distributor of ours in 2002 and
early 2003. When I was arrested in September, 2003 -- partly as a result
of his joint activities with our former associate, George Ackerson -- he
stiffed our company for over $6,000 in overdue bills. Products that we
made went in his direction; unpaid receivables came back to ours.
- "Greg was putting sulphuric acid in the black salve . . . "
This was never, ever done experimentally, let alone put into production.
We didn't even have sulphuric acid in inventory. At that time we were
getting a product from California called "H3O" -- (today, we make our own),
which contained denatured sulphuric acid. I have made hundreds of batches
of escharotic preparations -- primarily Cansema® -- and never has
sulphuric acid, or any other strong inorganic acid, been used in its
- "That is what caused the woman to lose her nose." Toby is
making mention of Sue Gilliatt, which played a role in my criminal case.
Sue Gilliatt herself turned out to be such a con artist, that three days
after my pleading, she signed a sworn affidavit stating that some one
ELSE'S product (i.e. Dan Raber) had "burned (her) nose". Sue Gilliatt
and her attorney were actively working the alternative health field,
going from manufacturer to manufacturer, attempting to make claims on
their product liability insurance policies. (My company paid $800,000;
Raber's paid nothing, because he didn't have insurance -- on all of
the above, read
Chapter 3.)
- "Grag Caton is a con and fraud and his products do not have the ingredients that he states are on the label."
This is the claim we make against Toby McAdam's companies because I HAVE received
product from him that didn't even have chaparral or zinc in it, yet these were
claimed on the label. What McAdam's is doing here is a variation of what
kindergartners do when they can't find the words to counter an insult,
"I know you are -- but what am I!" Most people grow out of this by
the time they reach the first grade. We have the best reputation in the business,
both because and in spite of the shameful con job the FDA did
in my case. We would never degrade ourselves by putting out fraudulent product.
If we DID put out fraudulent product -- if that was in our moral character -- who knows?
Maybe we, too, could make money on the side by being professional FDA snitches
and help ruin the lives of practitioners, researchers, and other manufacturers
who weren't doing their part to help maximize profits for Big Pharma.
- "As for www.risingsunhealth.com and www.bloodrootproducts.com they have the real salves
and there is no flour in the salve." A couple of months back, we introduced our
Product Compensation Program to help the victims of those who had purchased
product from Toby and other counterfeiters of our products. We expected a strong
response, but nothing like what we actually received. All tallied,
we received hundreds of complaint letters and requests for
discounts under the program. The chief complaint? That Toby's product didn't
work as promised. So . . . I guess if we define "real salve" as something
that doesn't work, he's got "real salves." As for this idea (and it's been
circulated for years now) that any effective escharotic salve contains
flour, I have no idea where that comes from.
[ 5 ] Just as we have never, even
experimentally, used sulphuric acid in a salve, so, too, we have never, ever
used a vegetable flour of any kind in a salve. I provide an extensive history
of escharotics in Chapters 1 and 2 of Meditopia.
I even supply videos online
on the preparation of effective escharotics. No where will you find my
inclusion of any kind of flour . . . More "green cheese," please.
- "Additionally, both companies were visited by the FDA and are still open."
Of course, they are visited by the FDA and still open. As we nauseatingly detail in
Chapter 3 of Meditopia,
Toby cut a deal with the FDA in exchange for working to destroy our U.S. lab,
"If you let me take over his website, all his copyrighted materials, and his
trademarks -- and don't say anything about the theft -- I'll supply you information
so you can destroy his lab and get the millions of dollars he has in his offshore
bank accounts" [which never existed].
This is how breathtakingly corrupt the system has become.
- "Unlike Greg Caton and Alpha Omega labs whom are wanted by the FDA and numerous others."
The FDA wants me because I violated probation when I didn't return to the U.S.
This all emanates from the desk of FDA agent, John Armand, and the Federal
courthouse in Lafayette, Louisiana. There are no "numerous others".
I don't even have a civil case pending in the U.S. . . . it's just nonsense.
- "Be prepared if you buy products from Alpha Omega Labs, you may be visited by the FDA for purchasing products that are banned." We ship products into the U.S. every single business day.
We ship passion fruit oil. We ship herbal products. And very soon we
will be adding essential oils. We don't have any banned products.
Again . . . we cover this in Meditopia,
as well. The simple fact is that not one single Alpha Omega Labs customer
has been visited by the FDA. It's complete fiction.
Nonetheless, even in this fictitious statement
there is something highly revealing that's worth mentioning. For 6 years now,
Toby McAdams has been using our pilfered artwork, trademarks . . . he
even stooped to using OUR testimonials. He has been claiming that
HE has the original Cansema and up until last year, he made the
very same claims. What he is saying here is that Alpha Omega Labs
doesn't have the right to sell its own products. But he does.
Toby doesn't even recognize
the contradictions in his own statements.
- "Alpha Omega Labs is banned from selling products in the US because of the dangerous and toxic ingredients used."
This statement has absolute no basis in fact (see previous point).
- "Most companies in the US that sell the same type of products follow protocols."
The statement is ambigious. What "same type products"? There are guidelines
or standards in the proper manufacture of nearly every product on earth. Toby doesn't know that
in this business, protocol is used to describe a user's treatment regimen.
The protocol is something the user or patient follows, not the manufacturer.
He would know this . . . but then he'd have to use an English dictionary.
Toby's statement here demonstrates that he doesn't know what "protocol" means.

I have no doubt that for the next week I am
going to get letters from friends and colleagues, essentially saying, "Why do you
waste time and energy even paying attention to this scoundrel?"

On the one hand I see their point. On the other
hand, I feel that our current economic and political problems -- which loom larger than
anything in the history of modern civilization -- wouldn't have gotten to this point if
more "best dressed lies" had been put to rest with naked truths. Even in the little
things we shouldn't let liars get away with their scams.

Sure, there's a risk in proclaiming your belief
that the moon isn't made of green cheese . . . or chemotherapy and radiation aren't
acceptable therapies.

But what happens if you don't?

What happens if we let all self-serving lies go
unanswered, living on in perpetuity?

Well . . . we probably get what we have right now.
Greg Caton
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador