This month I received
an email containing a news article from an old friend,
Mike Adams -- the editor of
and soon-to-be ex-pat. [
4 ]
Mike Adams has
uncovered a conspiracy within the FDA to shakedown natural
product companies in order to extract bribes. His allegations
are very specific as to the process -- and not so specific as
to his news sources (since they are still in the U.S. and
will only receive greater retribution if they were identified
as those leaking the horrific details).
Read Mike's
article -- dated October 21, 2008).

What makes this development
newsworthy isn't the criminal extortion activity, per se -- after
all, both legislative houses of the U.S. Government recently
ripped off the American taxpayer for
$700 billion,
paying off irresponsible elistist bankers for years of breaktakingly
bad business decisions. [
5 ] Within the FDA itself,
it has been known for years that "BigPharma" has been funding
the FDA with both overt and covert "user fees" (i.e. bribes).
6 ]

In the
September issue of the
I was specific about details of my own shakedown at the hands of the
FDA. Moreover, I provided further details in a
rebuttal to an extortion letter
I received from AO Labs' competitor and professional FDA snitch,
Toby McAdams.

Far more important, however, is what
these developments mean to ordinary Americans. The U.S. FDA is tasked with
the responsibility of protecting the public in the areas of food, drugs,
and cosmetics. In recent years, a veritable avalanche of dangerous drugs have
flooded the market, harming, even killing, millions of consumers.
7 ]

Alpha Omega Labs came into existence
Cansema® in the early 1990's, but Cansema® itself is the descendent
of a safe, effective, and inexpensive
herbal formula that was announced to the world as a "cure for cancer"
in 1858 from Middlesex Hospital in London (then one of the world's most prestigious,
orthodox medical institutions). In researching
Meditopia®, I discovered
that the formulary knowledge goes back much farther -- at least as far back
as Paracelsus in the 1500's . . . a fact that forms the backbone of the
second chapter of Meditopia®.
8 ]

Can the public trust an institution that
has been part of a massive coverup to suppress a very simple method of
curing cancer --- for no less than 500 years? In exchange for bribe money?
9 ]

In this light, the latest criminal
racket by FDA agents is but a small reflection of a larger, much more
ominous phenomenon.

It is this larger deception of the public
that should concern not just Americans, but consumers the world over.

Greg Caton --- Founder
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador