Cansema Name Change

After more then five years of producing Centreforce Cansema Black Salve, we have decided to abandon the name of “Cansema” in our products.

There are several problems for us with the Cansema name embedded in our products, the banning of Cansema by the FDA and Customs in the US, the banning of Cansema by the TGA for Human use In Australia and the freezing of our PayPal account until all buttons with the Cansema name were deleted from our web sites.

RESPONSE ---- The FDA may "say" that Cansema® is banned -- but just what does that mean? I maintain that if it is selectively enforced for the private gain of a few agents it means absolutely nothing. Professional FDA snitch, Toby McAdams, and others still use the name -- and ship products daily using our trademark within the U.S. You can see this for yourself if you visit The FDA is fully aware of this -- having issues a "figleaf notice" to Toby McAdams way back in April, 2006, to 'cease and desist', which means -- quite ironically, given Toby's actions -- that the FDA is attempting to protect counterfeiters of our products. (Readers of Chapter 3 of Meditopia are aware of these things. In the case of BloodrootProducts, the word "Cansema" has been changed to "Cancema" -- with the same sound, as if that nullifies the trademark violation, when it is still clearly a violation of our U.S. registered trademark). Why do our own forwarding agents ship Cansema® every business day to the U.S.? Could it have anything to do with the fact that things are deteriorating in the U.S. so rapidly that laws are only meant to be selectively enforced when there's money to be made? Could it have anything to do with the fact that the U.S., to use the words of former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, has morphed into a lawless state, "no longer ruled by law," with the anarchy emanating right from the very top? (See Roberts' YouTube video, showing his latest interview with Russia Today).
The simple fact is that the FDA's position towards Cansema® -- or, excuse me, towards those who sell Cansema® without making private bribe payments to FDA agents, as I discuss in Meditopia and in the November, 2008 issue of our Ashwin -- is unchanged. What's changed is Bevan Potter is now using this as an excuse for a name change, when the fact is, he would never have changed the name if I hadn't raised the issue quite loudly in the alternative medical community.
As for Paypal, their policies towards the entire alternative medical community as a whole are draconian. In fact, the website PaypalWarning is a treasure chest of negative testimonials -- from merchants and consumers alike. The site also discusses many facets of Paypal that are completely unknown to most users, let alone the general public. To say or even infer that they have singled out "Cansema®," is patently misleading.

Other problems came as a surprise when the owners of Alpha Omega Labs, Greg and Cathryn Caton, (after they commenced reproduction of their Cansema products from Ecuador), decided to indulge in slanderous accusations about me and the owner of another web site, (Elaine Hollingsworth), who, like many others, are referring people to us. These insults came because we used the name “Cansema” on our products and information from Alpha Omega Labs on our web site, which was the aftermath of when we were selling their products in Australia. A letter of request would have been enough for us to complete the change which was already under way.

RESPONSE ---- Let's get our definitions in order:
Question ---- is it slanderous if you bring to the public's attention the wholesale theft of your copyrighted materials and trademarks, a theft that has been going on unabated for five years? Is it slanderous when, as a merchant, you are placed in the position of having to address a general public that is confused about false statements made from a competitor? Is it slanderous when you have made it clear, both privately and publicly, that you don't want your trademark to be pilfered and used by others -- and those same parties, month after month, violate your rights?
What really bothers me more than anything else --- besides the blatant lies in the above paragraph, which I'll get to in a moment --- is the moral relativism. Applied here, it's the attempt to make wholesale theft look benign, when it was all conducted without my permission and behind my back while I was in prison.
I never referred a single soul to Bevan and neither did my wife. Former employees I have spoken with are mystified.
I believe in karma.
I believe that ultimately we are all accountable for our actions -- that just as there is a Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy in physics, there is a Law of Conservation in Action within the realm of human affairs.
And if there is any truth in this belief, then I believe there is a very special place awaiting Mr. Potter and Ms. Hollingsworth in the afterlife. For what they have done as it pertains to Alpha Omega Labs is every bit as aggregious as what the bribe-taking FDA agents do back in the U.S.
They can claim no moral high ground --- because they have none.

The false accusations come as a surprise because many customers were referred to us from the office of Alpha Omega Labs over the period of time that Greg was in Jail, as many of our customers would testify. Because there was nothing being produced by Alpha Omega Labs for about five years and nobody knew if there was going to ever be, many people around the world now use our products and remain loyal to us because of their effectiveness with health problems regardless of the name on the label.

RESPONSE ---- My "accusations" are not false -- as I have gone to great lengths to explain and document in not less than four of our past Ashwins.
Furthermore, since making our Fake Product Compensation Program available to the public, we have received scores of complaint letter attesting to the reduced effectiveness of CentreForce's "fake Cansema."
Many people --- particular in Australia --- are very angry. They were told by Bevan for years that they were buying Cansema®. They were falsely told that it was the same product. That it was made with our permission. Health CentreForce told one lie after another -- assuming my identity, using my website materials, artwork, body copy, trademarks -- while I was behind bars and could do nothing about it.
Customers who would remain loyal to Bevan are most probably, in the majority, those who simply haven't heard the truth . . . . yet.

However, we all make mistakes, in Greg’s own oracles he has made many grave errors of judgement in his lifetime and this is just another. Regardless of the trivial disagreement of the name on a label, containing a jar of salve, of which the basic formula has been known for centuries, we are pushing the same barrow.

RESPONSE ---- Bevan provides a link to Chapter 1 of Meditopia, but attributes statements within it that simply do not exist. As far as the knowledge of the "basic formula," no one --- I repeat, NO ONE --- has done more to publicize the history of escharotics than I have, and provide formulary information. For FREE . . . . And the reason I have worked so vigorously in this regard -- particularly as it pertains to the risks of putting out Meditopia -- is because it is the only way I could counter all the adulteration and misbranding of Cansema® that is out there -- from Bevan and others.
Bevan and I are not pushing the same barrow. He has not brought a wholesome face to this honorable tradition. Instead, he has contaminated it -- for personal gain. How is this different from what the FDA does?

The barrow we push in the alternative health world is to expose big pharma, enlighten the public about natural methods of healing and/or provide products which are proven to work. In western countries, this activity comes at the risk of being victimised, jailed and losing everything you own. Being harrased by authoritise is the risk we take but we don't need to give them a hand by publishing trivial labeling disagreements in public.

RESPONSE ---- This is not a trivial labeling disagreement.
You know, I have a variety of medical practitioner friends here in Ecuador. Virtually all of them are effective in their work and all of them have been to prison, most of them struck by the hand of the FDA because they were curing people of serious diseases and Big Pharma wasn't getting its "cut." . . . . Dr. Robert Wickman . . . . Dr. Gary Young . . . . Dr. Neville Solomon . . . to name a few.
But of all the indignities that we have all had to endure, I am the only one that I know of who had not just one, but a half dozen different individuals, attempt to steal their life's work and then use ridiculous arguments to try and justify it.
It's revolting.

Nevertheless, Greg Caton’s contribution to the health of many people, including my own health and more importantly the contribution to humanity from information on his web site has been enormous and should be visited by everybody who wants to regain their health.

RESPONSE ---- Although the link to our site is meritable, it doesn't change the crux of the issue, nor does it eradicate years of truth-twisting, nor does it address the deception in pilfering our materials and our trademark.
I have written this piece to, once again, set the record straight. Whether my argument resonates with the public or not is another matter. Based on the response to our Fake Product Compensation Program, I believe that it has.
I hope that soon I will be able to put this nightmare behind me -- and go back to my work as an herbalist and healer. I have left enough information behind so that, unlike someone like Dr. William Koch or even Antonio Meucci, men I greatly admire who nonetheless passed on without bequeathing vital parts of their knowledge, others can pick up the pieces.
I just want it imparted to others -- without being misappropriated to the detriment of the Public.
I don't believe I'm asking too much.

Bevan Potter
Bevan Potter, PO Box 227, Gin Gin Qld 4671 Australia