Code 1201 -
Ecomed Electronic Normalizer - $39.95
See also --
Electrostimulators (Russian Zappers)
from Tomsk
he idea of a swallowing a metal pill that generates
low voltage electromagnetic emissions as it travels
the length of the GI tract sounds almost "sci-fi"
to most people in the West - but it most simply
describes the function of a new breed of "Russian
Zappers" now entering the market.
The emerging
role of 'electronic medicine' on the forefront of health
care is not lost on anyone, as we point out in our
introduction to this product in the
August, 2002 issue of the Ashwin
(our monthly ezine).
However, as we point out repeatedly
on this site,
legal and political impediments, driven
almost entirely on the perceived market threats by the entrenched
Medical Industrial Complex
serve to block a timely, rigorous development of 'competing'
technologies in the West. And this is particularly true of
electronic medicine - which will, in time, compete against
powerful pharmaceutical interests.
(The most celebrated case in North
America is probably that of persecuted cancer researcher,
Royal R. Rife, whose therapeutic
technique for killing cancer cells - discovered in 1933 -
was totally suppressed by a full court press executed by
government regulatories in the U.S.).
Russian scientists and
manufacturers face no such politically-motivated resistance.
Background on Our Involvement
(as reported in the 8/02 Ashwin)
Our interest was
peaked with the discovery of an internet distributor
in Dublin, Ireland - which was reselling one imported version
of the device for $99.95 - catering mostly
to U.K. and U.S. consumers with previous knowledge
of area of 'electronic medicine.' So we purchased
a half dozen units and began experimenting on our own.
Very early in our investigations we noticed the appearance
of small orange stones and other unidentified debris
appearing in the stool of test subjects. One astute
practitioner in Ohio (USA) reported back to us that
these stones were nothing like the soft, green
stones from the liver and gallbladder which result
from a liver flush -
and, in fact, he hypothesized that these stones
were most likely dropped from the pancreas.
Moreover, even in those subjects who included
worm-killing vermifuges in their supplemental
diet and were models of good health,
there was evidence that the zappers were
expelling parasites.
This lead us to
deal directly with research firms in Moscow and Tomsk
(both in modern-day Russia) which appeared to be on
the cutting edge of this area of 'energy medicine.' . . .
Much to our surprise, not only did the researchers
interviewed have a full grasp of the medical potential
for their devices, but in the case of one manufacturer,
Ecomed - the components of the technology were found to
be covered by a potpourri of worldwide patents (in 16
countries in Europe, Asia and the U.S. (PCT/RU 96/00023);
the device itself was "registered" by the respective
Ministries of Health in
10 countries
as well as by the U.S. FDA (No. A920518), and
extensive clinical testing has been conducted to
validate a variety of specific medical applications.
It was also apparent, both in dialogue with Russian researchers
and in examination
of some of their promotional literature that they understood
the power of their technology to upset many phamaceutically-based
Ecomed Electronic Normalizers have been clinically tested and proven to:
  1. Glycemia 1.4 times |
  10. IgE 1.9 - 4 times |
  2. Glycosuria 4.9 times |
  11. IgA 1.2 times |
  3. Testosterone 2.4 times |
  12. Estrogens 7 times |
  4. Cholesterol 1.9 times |
  13. Triglycerides content 2 times |
  5. Intensity of allergic inflammations  |
  14. Tonus of sympathetic nervous system  |
  6. Antineoplastic activity of phagocytes  |
  15. Juice acidity 1.6 times |
  7. Contractile ability of gallbladder 1.2 times |
  16. Lipoproteins of low density content 1.6 times |  AT THE   SAME TIME!!! |
  8. Stability of affective-emotional sphere  |
  17. Lipoproteins of high density content 2.5 times |
  9. Prolong remission, to relieve intensity and frequency of asthma |
  18. Cure constipation in 93.9% cases |
  19. Work capacity 1,5 times |
Prepared by:
Professor G.A. Pokrovsky
----- Deputy Director, State Scientific Center for Coloproctology
A.P. Tupikova -- ("Candidate of Medical Sciences")
L.F. Pokmarenkova -- ("Candidate of Medical Sciences")
Complete Information
----- Protocols, recommendations, contraindications -----
We have been working with
Russian authorities to have Ecomed's
for product use translated from the Russian. The results still
need some refinement, as of this writing, but the work is quite
readable and lucid, even in its present state.
It should be pointed out that
this work is still "in progress," and more material on the Ecomed
Electronic Normalizer will be published as we continue our work.
Since the Ecomed unit is
available for sale on our web site, we should point out that
Alpha Omega Labs' staffers have used the product, as has dozens
of close associates - all with positive results - we do not
make any medical claims ourselves on this site, but are making
the unit available for research purposes.
Our observations and
additional comments:
- Reuseable? - Since the Ecomed unit (and similar devices
sold in Russia) will operate continually in the 2.2 to 4.4 volt range
for as long as 150 hours, there are reports that people are simply
wishing the units with hydrogen peroxide after expelling them and
then reusing (i.e. re-swallowing) them. Because of the hygienic implications, we cannot
possibly condone such a thing, and, in fact, the manufacturer does
not encourage this practice.
- What Can I Expect? - This is the question most people
have been asking prior to trying the unit. In chronological
order: you first swallow the 'zapper' with a glass of water
or juice, much as you would any capsule. The unit is about
the length of a normal 'double-o' capsule, but it is decidedly
thicker (dimensions: 11 mm x 22 mm, weighing up to 5.5 g.).
As it travels
through the body, you will have 'feel' the vibrations inside
you, but not all the time. Everyone has a different experience,
based, in part, on where there is "atony."
This concept -- atony --
is something you hear repeatedly in Russian medicine, but it
is almost completely ignored in the West. Briefly stated,
Russians believe that the internal muscles of the body,
even those lining the GI tract, must be exercised and toned
for the body to function optimally. We accept in the West
the need to exercise and tone the muscles of our extremities
and torso - our empire of gyms and workout centers is a
testament to this. We accept as obvious that the muscles
that govern external mobility functions must be exercised
and maintained,
but somehow this line of thinking has been lost when it comes
to internal muscles and organs of the body: but not to
Russians. The concept of 'atony' is woven into the fabric
of Russian thinking on optimal health care.
This having been said,
you will 'feel' energetic charges in areas of 'atony' or weakness.
One staffer went on for two hours where his right leg just
kept pulsing and 'jumping.' There are as many different
reports of body sensations as there are people who use the
device. It should be reported that none of these sensations
has been reported as painful. There was a general sense among
users that 'something good is happening.'
If you are a person with
a healthy colon (and if you are not, shame on you -- you haven't
been doing your Liver / Colon Cleansing),
then the unit will come out in roughly 18 hours - the approximate
transit time for foodstuffs travelling through the GI tract.
Some people have reported
longer transit times - some as long as 3 days. In those individuals,
larger than normal bowel movements have been reported.
Some users report signs of parasites in their stool, others
stones (quite common), and reports of larger than normal
bowel movements are equally common. Reports of feeling
'energized' and more aware subjectively are also common.
- Can it get stuck? If it does, please let us know --
because it will be a first. Although transit times will vary
from person to person - (as stated above, people with healthy
colons will see a faster transit time, generally) - the unit
always comes out - sooner or later. Always. If you do not
see the unit come out in your stool, then you missed it.
And that's perfectly okay .... far be it from us to recommend
that our customers go hunting through their spool to
spot the latest zapper expulsion.
Although we continually
beg our customers to submit their pictorial testimonials
in conjunction with our topical, medicinal ointments, do not
expect to receive such a request in conjunction with this product.
- How often do you repeat? We recommending taking
the Ecomed unit at least three times, back to back. This does
not mean having more than one unit in your body at the same time.
It means taking a new unit as soon as the current unit is
expelled. After that, we recommend repeating the cycle
at least once every six months.
To U.S. Users: This device
has been 'certified' but is not 'approved' by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
Therefore, this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent
any disease; nor should it be viewed as a substitute for the timely
examination and diagnosis of any specific ailment by a qualified,
licensed health care professional.
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