"For thirty years now there has been a slow
shift in paradigm of healing from the monotheism of scientific
medicine toward a concept of holistic medicine and more recently
one which has been called sometimes 'energy medicine.' . . .
the deeper search needed to establish 'the etheric world of
energies' remains to be done and until it is completed satisfactorily,
scientists and physicians steeped in the 'Newtonian model of
reality' are unlikely to be ready to begin thinking along
these lines . . . "
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. (founding president,
American Holistic Medical Association)
[ Taken from comments on
Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D. (1988) ]

How Russian military research into the effects of low voltage EM
radiation on the human body accidentally lead to important discoveries
in 'energy medicine'
The astonishing
clinical results the new breed of 'Russian Zappers' are achieving
Why the West
will resist the development of this breakthrough technology,
but must eventually concede its validity.
Code 1201 -
Ecomed Electronic Normalizer - $39.95
Recommendations for Use & What to Expect
ost medical breakthroughs, as we've discussed
in previous editions of
the Ashwin, come about by accident - and it is no
different with the development of a new breed of
electronic "normalizers" - more frequently referred
to broadly as "zappers" by North Americans who
are readily familiar with their particulars.
Our interest was
peaked with the discovery of an internet distributor
in Dublin, Ireland - which was reselling one imported version
of the device for $99.95 - catering mostly
to U.K. and U.S. consumers with previous knowledge
of area of 'electronic medicine.' So we purchased
a half dozen units and began experimenting on our own.
Very early in our investigations we noticed the appearance
of small orange stones and other unidentified debris
appearing in the stool of test subjects. One astute
practitioner in Ohio (USA) reported back to us that
these stones were nothing like the soft, green
stones from the liver and gallbladder which result
from a liver flush -
and, in fact, he hypothesized that these stones
were most likely dropped from the pancreas.
Moreover, even in those subjects who included
worm-killing vermifuges in their supplemental
diet and were models of good health,
there was evidence that the zappers were
expelling parasites.
This lead us to
deal directly with research firms in Moscow and Tomsk
(both in modern-day Russia) which appeared to be on
the cutting edge of this area of 'energy medicine.' . . .
Much to our surprise, not only did the researchers
interviewed have a full grasp of the medical potential
for their devices, but in the case of one manufacturer,
Ecomed - the components of the technology were found to
be covered by a potpourri of worldwide patents (in 16
countries in Europe, Asia and the U.S. (PCT/RU 96/00023);
the device itself was "registered" by the respective
Ministries of Health in
10 countries
as well as by the U.S. FDA (No. A920518), and
extensive clinical testing has been conducted to
validate a variety of specific medical applications.
It was also apparent, both in dialogue with Russian researchers
and in examination
of some of their promotional literature that they understood
the power of their technology to upset many phamaceutically-based
Ecomed Electronic Normalizers have been clinically tested and proven to:
  1. Glycemia 1.4 times |
  10. IgE 1.9 - 4 times |
  2. Glycosuria 4.9 times |
  11. IgA 1.2 times |
  3. Testosterone 2.4 times |
  12. Estrogens 7 times |
  4. Cholesterol 1.9 times |
  13. Triglycerides content 2 times |
  5. Intensity of allergic inflammations  |
  14. Tonus of sympathetic nervous system  |
  6. Antineoplastic activity of phagocytes  |
  15. Juice acidity 1.6 times |
  7. Contractile ability of gallbladder 1.2 times |
  16. Lipoproteins of low density content 1.6 times |  AT THE   SAME TIME!!! |
  8. Stability of affective-emotional sphere  |
  17. Lipoproteins of high density content 2.5 times |
  9. Prolong remission, to relieve intensity and frequency of asthma |
  18. Cure constipation in 93.9% cases |
  19. Work capacity 1,5 times |
Prepared by:
Professor G.A. Pokrovsky
----- Deputy Director, State Scientific Center for Coloproctology
A.P. Tupikova -- ("Candidate of Medical Sciences")
L.F. Pokmarenkova -- ("Candidate of Medical Sciences")
espite well-defined data and recommendations on
applications, protocols, and contraindications -- all derived
from years of gathering clinical data, it is doubtful that this
technology will be accepted any time soon in the West - perhaps
for the better part of the 21st century. There are certainly
medical doctors and other practitioners in the CAM (complementary
and alternative medicine) community who now make 'energy medicine'
an important part of their work, but their numbers do not begin
to approach 'critical mass' within the powerful, orthodox medical
community - which largely regards this area as pure quackery
(translation: a collection of competitive elements).
Recent, regulatory
history in the U.S. and Canada, for instance, is chock full of
examples of medical researchers and physicians developing and/or
utilitizing 'energy medicine,' only to be met, quite often
violently, with an enforced cessation of their work (if not
their lives). Notable examples include the demise of
Royal Raymond Rife, Wilheim Reich,
Albert Abrams, and many others. We will not attempt to
either support or find fault
with any of the ideas or methodologies of any of these individuals,
but merely point out a simple observation ---- that the
employment of energy medicine, in any form whatsoever, represents
a competitive challenge to the pharmaceutical paradigm that
is the very foundation of the health care industry in
the West - particularly in the U.S. ... and, therefore,
regulatories have responded accordingly.
Since it is well-established
that governmental agencies
which regulate this area of health care exist largely to
serve the interests of their 'clients' - the large pharmaceutical
companies, there is no precedent or reason to believe that
regulatories in the West will do an "about face" when
confronted with this new breed of "energy medicine" -- no
matter how weighty the clinical data which supports it.
What this means
is that, at best, this form of energy medicine (which we
first encountered in the widely celebrated book,
Vibrational Medicine,
written in 1988 with a more recent update) will be largely suppressed for quite some
time to come. [ Gerber's work opened the way to more recent works on "Energy
Medicine" that further defined diagnostic tools and various modalities that
focus on energy balancing - though nothing, in our opinion, that approaches
the solid results we now see coming out of Russia. ]
Those who wish to hear
more about the Ecomed Electronic Normalizer from a physician's
perspective are invited to write our in-house medical
advisor, Dr. Robert Wickman.
Those who wish to purchase the device for
research purposes from this site
may do so as well.
Next month (September, 2002) we will
provide additional data on the Ecomed Electronic Normalizer, freshly
translated from Russian texts.
To U.S. Users: This device
has been 'certified' but is not 'approved' by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
Therefore, this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent
any disease; nor should it be viewed as a substitute for the timely
examination and diagnosis of any specific ailment by a qualified,
licensed health care professional.
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