Alpha Omega Labs'

For July, 2002
We occasionally get interesting
mail that neither fits the description of a
testimonial or merits inclusion in
our monthly Ashwin. Yet, for its
wit, originality, newsworthiness, or even thoughtful provocation,
we feel other Alpha Omega customers might want to read it.
With names removed to protect
privacy (unless otherwise granted) -- here, then, are
our latest, selected mailbox excerpts.
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July 11, 2002 - (Gresham, Oregon [USA])
Subject: Cansema, Basal Cell Carcinomas and
the accelerating healing properties of H3O
The inability of practitioners
to diagnose skin cancers in their early asymptomatic stages.
an update to my last note. I decided there was something
suspicious about that very small spot, especially since as it was
healing, I noticed another similar one starting beside it. So I once
again used the Cansema over a larger area to make sure I got anything
that was there.
Sure enough,
there were several small eschars around the perimeter of
the original spot. I think I had just gotten the center of a slightly
larger lesion before, but that was all that was visible at the time.
Now I think I have taken care of it. It appeared more like the first
time I used the Cansema except that the eschars were not as deep.
What is
interesting is that again, I started using the H3O
immediately. I had used the Cansema Saturday night and waited the 24
hours then proceeded according to the directions. The second night,
after washing my face, the area had some bleeding although I had been
careful. That did concern me because I didn't think it should do that.
Is this normal?
This does
seem more like the first time I used the Cansema except that
the area has now formed a scab, which looks as if it is ready to come
off soon. Either I have done something wrong or the H3O has really has
speeded up the whole process. Since I remember my first time with the
Cansema (without the H3O) as taking a much longer time, this seems
like a good thing.
The other
interesting thing is that both these subsequent lesions were
on either side of but adjacent to the scar from the original skin
cancer and Mohs surgery. Since the object of the latter is that the
margins will be clear -- in other words free from skin cancer -- this
is odd. I understand that it takes about five years for skin cancers
to grow, but they were not detected at the time of the surgery, which
was only two years ago.
Of course,
this has exacerbated my mistrust of the medical
establishment's approach to skin cancer. I am certainly glad there is
an alternative. The very worst thing about skin cancer is the fear and
intimidation, but with Cansema there is neither.
AO Response:
"The underlying formation you describe is almost "classic" for a BCC,
basal cell carcinoma -- though I can't remember if that is how they
diagnosed you or not .... "
(1st Response: I was
not diagnosed at all of course, so have no idea what kind of
cancer it was. It looked just like the one I had last fall, only
smaller at first.
this has been a very interesting and educational experience all
around. That scab fell off in the shower this morning. It left a very
deep round eschar at the lower end and a very small one at the other
end. In between there is just a narrow "canal" connecting the two. I
am not worried about how it will look in the future, since the
original spot I treated with Cansema last fall has healed to a tiny
flat place that is not noticeable at all.
The most
interesting thing is that the original area (but second
cancer)I treated with Cansema about a month ago was totally untouched,
even though it was in the center of the area I covered this time. I
think that is proof that your product does exactly what it purports to
do. The cancer was apparently gone in that area, but there was some
left around the lower edges that was not visible before.
Now that is gone, too.
I now think it
is important to cover a larger area than what is
visible. That is what I did the first time, without intending to. But
it is the only way to be sure you are getting all the cancer.
thing is that this process has been greatly speeded up by the
H3O. The main cavity is every bit as deep as with the first spot I
treated with Cansema, but scab on that one didn't fall off for a week
and a half. This has only been four and a half days since applying
the Cansema. I have used the H3O several times since this morning and
I can see it healing over already. That is an amazing product. The
combination of those two is unbeatable.
there was another little bonus for me this time. If you will
recall, my Mohs surgery on the original skin cancer left me with a
hard little bump at the top of the scar. That portion had never healed
to a white line like the rest and retained a slightly reddish color.
It was reduced somewhat the first time I used Cansema. Now that bump
is gone. I can hardly believe it -- I am thrilled, but puzzled. The
area I just treated is almost a half inch away from where the bump
was. Makes me wonder what on earth was under it.
may certainly use my comments. However, as a result of all these
experiences, I am strongly considering writing a book and retain the
copyright on the e-mails I have written you. When I was first
diagnosed, there were few books to read about skin cancer anywhere.
I would like other people to know they are not stuck with the barbaric
mutilation of the establishment treatments. I am going to use my
experience to demonstrate that.
I just shudder at the memory of going to one of the major hospital
web sites (two years ago) and reading about a young man who had his
nose removed as a result of a persistent basal-cell cancer that had
been left untreated too long. Horrible. This kind of thing should not
be happening to people. If they only knew about Cansema it would not!
Additional customer comments - July 14, 2002:
... BTW, less than a week after removing the bandaid
from my last application of Cansema the affected area is healing well.
There is a very small pit with scab, now about 1/16" in diameter
with the surrounding area slightly reddish. This is truly amazing
considering that a week ago tonight there was an area
1/2" X 1/4" affected by the Cansema with a
large area around it that was swollen and red.
H3O has really proven to be a speed healer, especially when used
right from the beginning. I bought a new box of bandaids last Monday,
expecting I would need them a week or two like the first time I
used Cansema. Guess I didn't need them at all.
July 14, 2002 - (from: (Pat McDonald)
Subject: Cansema Salve & Undiagnosed Infection
In the fall of 2001
I used Cansema Black Topical Salve on my left nipple
because it was very red and had become disfigured.
An amazing amount of "infection" --
[Ed.: presumably "pus"] --
was released from that entire area, but the nipple was still red.
I used it a second time. Alot of infection was again released,
but not as much as the first time. However, this time the
entire area became very scarred. I need to use the product again.
Do you know of anything that might reduce the scarring,
... yes, Tru-Derm ....
We carry it specifically for this purpose.
or can you suggest another product that might
not have this effect? I tried the Cansema Capsules and they
made me feel terrible, so I do not believe this is the way
I should proceed. Thank you so much for your product.
It is the only thing I have found that actully has
worked. Sincerely, Julia Davies(
Cansema Capsules can be tough,
for some ... which is why we created Cansema Tonic III ....
Continue with the salve ... use H3O or QuikHeal to speed
up healing ... and lastly Tru-Derm to minimize scarring.
It works ....
(on being asked to reprint letter):
You have my permission to use my correspondence with
you. How can I ever repay you for helping me and
literally saving my life.
Love to all at Omega Labs.
July 21, 2002 - (from: Los Angeles, CA [USA]
Subject: Elements in deciding whether or not to
use Cansema Salve in a vet application
I am a
chiropractor, nutritionist and animal practitioner. I have a
patient that is a 14 year old male 20 lb. mixed breed dog that has a
palpable tumor on it's left hind pelvic area near the ischial tuberosity
that has not been biopsied but the vet assumes is malignant. The dog is in
discomfort but still has the spirit to follow it's owner around and go
places. He responds to adjustments of a mild nature and is able to walk
better. I am leary of using the external salve because of the dogs age.
What is the product you would recommend to stop the growth or begin to
shrink the tumor and possibly extend this dogs life?
shouldn't be a significant factor in your clinical decision.
Yes --- this dog MAY need analgesics, but the word "palpable"
doesn't tell me the size, stage of development, or type of
neoplasm were dealing with, but then I understand that none
of us would know that without further testing. (If the growth
is larger than a quarter-inch in diameter, you would probably
want to use the analgesics).
Nothing assures success
like having a growth that is close to the epidermis / dermis
that Cansema Salve can access and take out in short order....
if the decision is made that the growth is too deep and
we are restricted to systemics, then you rule out the
assurance of a quick KO .... plus you introduce other
potential problems (i.e. like Herxheimer ... because with sizeable
growths, you put the burden on the liver, kidneys, etc...
to deal with the die-off...)
go with the Salve first ... and have a connection
with the vet so if the analgesics are needed, they are available.
The new Cansema vet version
really does have improved transdermal
properties you can rely on. ... Be sure to shave the target
area and rough it up a little with a wet loufa. The product
works better if it doesn't have to battle its way through an
extra thick stratum corneum -- a real pain with certain
dog breeds ...
July 22, 2002 - (from: M. Bryan --
Subject: Cansema Capsules & Felice Fibro Sarcoma
Thanks so much
for your patience in helping me through my first experience
with Cansema.
My cat
had surgery in May for two very small lumps on her ribcage. The
immediate biopsy of these lumps provided the diagnosis "feline
fibro sarcoma."
What a horrible
sinking feeling.
searching the net for help, I found A&O Labs on Google. They
answered my questions promptly & professionally. After consulting many
times with my veterinarian & A&O herbalist Mr. James Carr, I decided to
start my cat on a 30 course of Cansema in the capsule form. My goal was
to eliminate any marginal cells of the cancer that may have been missed
in the surgery.
"Grayce" is
a 9 year old semi-longhaired female who has enjoyed an
active, happy life & I want her to have many more years of the same.
She is also stubborn, opinionated, tricky & a VERY picky eater. I solved
the problem of getting the powdered Cansema down her gullet...
peacefully ... by adding 2 ml. of canned tuna broth to the powder & stirring \
with a toothpick until all the powder was suspended in the liquid. It was
not a difficult thing.
Next I aspirated
the suspension into a 3ml pet syringe with no needle
attached. I also drew an aditional 3ml of clear tuna broth in a separate
pet syringe...again with no needle. I tilted her well clenched jaw to
one side and gently squirted the suspended Cansema between her
teeth. IMMEDIATELY I followed this with a chaser of clear tuna broth &
she swallowed happily as she LOVES tuna broth.
Giving her the medication was not a problem.
I followed (your) directions to start with a small amount & work up
to the required dose. Never once in 30 days did "Grayce" vomit or
appear to be nauseated because of the medication. Instead, she gradually
regained her old vigorous appetite & was waiting for the treats that
followed the med session. During the 30 days, she also gained weight &
began to play enthusiastically with her feline buddies once
spite of the summer heat.
It has been
GREAT to see her get back to the joy of living!
My vet has been
very encouraging with this project & we are now on a
"wait & see" basis with "Grayce." Many thanks to A&O Labs & your herbalist
(name deleted) for offering us an alternative to conventional
cancer therapy.
Your kindness is deeply appreciated.
July 22, 2002 - (name and location withheld)
Subject: Are those stones coming out in the liver cleanse?
Not really a product query, but, a question.
completed the liver cleanse
after the LB and Parasite.
I didn't see a parasite at all during this stage, must be microscopic.
On the Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse ... wasn't all that bad, really.
The first and most of the stones that passed were like BB-sized
cauliflower, a dirty yellow color, then about 20 pea-sized bright
green, and at least 100 pin-head sized bright green,
two pea-sized brownish green. This has all been so far. The majority
is nothing like you describe, the yellowish ones.
Would you think good or bad? Thanks, (named deleted).
Remember ... we recommend
that there be two "cycles" back-to-back.
The "yellow" chaff-like material contains microscopic parasites...
and the pea-sized, bright green stones, with an absence of larger
stones, indicates that your liver is fairly healthy....
In fact,
what you describe is pretty much what I get when I do a liver cleanse.
Another point ...
some users report a lot more coming out on the second cycle ...
and the advice to stay away from caffeine, sugar, and any
fats for that day leading up to the Liver Cleanse is important, as well....
These points aside,
the liver chaff and stones (which would have come from
gallbladder and liver) is fairly common in those people who do not
have a diseased liver... even though the number of small, soft
green stones wasn't great --- these little balls of fat only
present health problems down the road when not taken out.
Stones are like eschars
.... they vary from person to person, but it is very rare to see
someone do the liver cleanse, per our instructions,
and NOT take out at least a handful of stones.
July 23, 2002 - (name and location withheld)
Subject: Taking hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) internally.
Would you be
kind enough to briefly answer the following two questions?>
- What is your opinion regarding ingesting food-grade hydrogen peroxide?
- Would ingesting H2O2 be a good alkalizing agent?
Thank you!
are a host of web sites devoted to this topic,
so it's no surprise that the question comes up here from time to time.
is a very touchy subject, as is the entire field of bio-oxidative
therapy in the U.S. Our feeling is that H2O2, taken internally,
can be quite useful, but dosages and concentrations are critical.
H2O2 is a powerful oxidizing agent, and it is quite caustic.
It's benefit lies in its ability to kill pathogenic organisms, and
it does so cheaply with remarkable effectiveness. It also leaves a
host of free radicals behind in its wake, so if you DO go this route,
you will want to seriously bone up on an anti-oxidant program that
covers both water and fat-solubles (Vitamin C, E, beta carotene,
selenium, glutathione) both before and after the treatment.
Something I do for
myself that takes advantage of the power of H2O2 without
risking any harm to my GI tract, is I buy industrial H2O2 and
mix it with H3O (equal percentages) and this goes into my spa.
I estimate that at any given time, my spa is 1 to 1.5% H2O2
(I use the 50% industrial grade).
We had a friend over recently
who had fibromyalgia. She could only take the spa for 5 minutes,
because she reported feeling a slight stinging all over her body.
For the next week, her
symptoms were kept at bay. (They returned after that week ...
as she returned Stateside and did nothing again that was
similar to this approach).
As to pH, hydrogen peroxide,
under catalysis, will break down to -OH (alkaline), but its most
common breakdown is into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2).
If it naturally went to hydroxyls, it would not so readily
co-exist with the H3O in my spa.... instead, the -OH would
grab H+ from the hydronium and I'd just have a big tub with
more water .... instead, the H3O and H2O2 maintain their
respective integrity. I have gotten to the point where I
can "taste" each of them in my spa and I know right when it is
time to add more to keep my spa completely clean and
microbe free.
So ... in summary ....
be careful if you use H2O2 internally. I recommend following
the protocols of a good naturopath, and do it for short
duration and with the support of anti-oxidants to counter the
after-effects of the resulting free radicals.
July 25, 2002 - (name and location withheld)
Subject: Comments about the Cansema "Heal Over" Stage.
Just wanted to let you
know that my scar is doing better every day. It is now about
1.25 inches long but only 0.2 inch wide. There is a raised ridge
(like a mountain range) for this entire length. At first I thought
this was another BCC but my naturopathic M.D. told me it was healing
very fast and that the ridge was the body's way of restructuring
the tissue. Eventually it will flatten. I do see some improvement
in this process.
you agree that the tissue acts this way during the healing process?
Without pictures,
I am speculating, but I can tell you that both edema and temporary
tissue protuberances are more common than not. What matters is what
results at the END of the heal-over process. We routinely tell people
that they should ignore the appearances of the decavitation and early
heal-over stages, simply because the end result is usually so
dramatically different in appearance.
From where I sit, your
medical doctor is familiar with the escharotic process, knows what he's doing,
and is giving you good medical advice -- quite a rarity, so be
thankful you have him.
July 25, 2002 - (name and location withheld)
Subject: Mesothelioma --> Well begun is ONLY half done.
I would like to
let you know that i have been taking the Cansema products
for about 6 months now. My last scan shows no increase in size
which is fantastic.
The scan 5 months before that
showed an increase of 50%. So I am thrilled to bits.
Thanks for doing what you are doing.
Blessings, (name deleted).
So far, so good ... but stay the course,
because what you want is a clean bill of health.
Too many people quit because
"it's not getting worse." People should stay with the program(s)
until their physician is unable to find any further
evidence of the cancer itself.
As with so many things in life ...
persistence and faith are key.
July 25, 2002 - (name and location withheld)
Subject: Cansema Salve ... applying to the nose.
I have been using
the Salve with great success! I've used it on my forehead
and in my scalp. I have used the salve twice on a spot and it still doesn't
feel "right". It still tingles and just isn't finished; I can tell!
I agree with your information on the H3O--I sprayed it on (the second
application) 24 hours after the salve application. It immediately
felt good and I carried the spray bottle with me and used it often.
I tried to find the testimonial of a woman using it (in the current
Ashwin) but couldn't locate it. I'll let you know, if you want,
how the H3O feels on this third application.
I do have a
concern and need your help! I have had several "precancerous"
(per my dermatologist 9 years ago.)spots taken off my face and especially
my nose. I am now getting that familiar tingling feeling and some days
it drives me, it's obvious I need to do something. I am going
to order the capsules again but was wondering if I can use the salve
on my nose, too?
The nose is a common place
where Cansema Salve is applied -- read the following page
carefully as there are some notations on applying to sensitive
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