To Our Readers in the U.S. -- The products/devices mentioned on this page,
and the information presented herein, have not been examined or evaluated by the
U.S. Food & Drug Adminstration. Therefore, these products are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
the real calcium builder...

 This month we introduce
AO Bone Builder, which builds
upon fairly recent clinical data showing the important
role played by silicon in optimal health (and growth) of bone
and joints, nails, hair, connective tissue, and mucosa.
 We also venture into
controversial territory with our discussion of
Professsor C.L. Kervran's principle of biological
transmutation -- not all that original, given
how many people take silicon supplementation
based on their knowledge (direct or indirect)
of Kervran's work, specifically his empirical
examples of dietary silicon's transmutation into
calcium. The acceptance or refutation of Kervran's
conclusions have little to do with the observable
benefits that can be realized with the regular
consumption of a silicon supplement -- particularly
those who are at risk of osteoporosis or who are
in need of quick recovery from a broken bone(s).
New Old Amish
Formula Intro'd
 This month we are
expanded the Old Amish Dewormer
line to include both the original
alcohol-tincture version of Old Amish Dewormer
(code 235 and 236), and a newer version with
is glycerine extracted, but contains less than
6% alcohol. A few months ago we changed the
original formula to include glycerine-extraction
so that we could cut down on the alcohol content.
A flurry of complaints ensued about the formula
change. Now, we're providing both formulas so
that our customers have a choice.
New Contact Information
 Alpha Omega Labs now has
new contact information in Nassau -- (office, fax, and
mailing address). Check our home page
(center column) for details.
Note to our Readers:
This is 7th edition of the 2nd year
of our Ashwin (pronounced "Ah-sh' win"),
covering April, 2003.
Previous editions are archived.
If you have questions,
email us.
 Working to always stay
on the cutting edge of the alternative cancer support field,
this month we introduce Gotas
or "GS Drops".
As is the case of Cansema
products, "GS Drops" have, within the course of a few short
years, managed to gain a substantial reputation worldwide,
both from practitioners and end-users alike.
 Our page contains
links to the manufacturer's web site
which contains ample information, including detailed
protocol (i.e. usage) instructions for end users.
Latest Russian Report
On Electrostimulator
Clinical Results
 We are currently working
to have a series of scientific papers translated from their
native Russian so that our English speaking practitioners
and other interested parties can become more familiar with
healing methods and protocols now employed in conjunction
these electrostimulators.
 The latest
is a general paper entitled
" Autonomous
device for photostimulation of the gastrointestinal tract immunity".
 We encourage all readers who
are interested in this latest development in Energy Medicine to
read this document carefully.
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© 2001-2003 Alpha Omega Labs • Nassau, Bahamas • All
rights reserved. This page posted : 4/6/2003.
Revised: 4/13/2003.