Buzzfeed & Black Salve -- A Rebuttal:
Yet Another Scientifically Inaccurate
'Hit Piece' On An Ancient, Proven,
Time-Tasted Method of Treating Cancers

More 'Fake News' Posing As Valuable Medical Advice

Subsections --- A Letter from Buzzfeed / My Email Response
The Buzzfeed / Black Salve Article -- (analysis & discussion)

Ecuador -- November 1, 2019 -- If someone were to ask me what have been the most onerous parts of my 30 year journey in exploring escharotic medicine, I would say, first, my entanglements with the U.S. criminal injustice system -- which I recount in exhaustive detail in Chapter 3 of Meditopia. Secondly, would be addressing the unending parade of articles on Black Salve, posing as important consumer advisements, but shot through with intentionally, breaktakingly, and provably inaccurate information.
Forget Donald Trump's tirade against "fake news" -- despite the fact that everything he says about Fake News is true. (I don't care where you stand politically. His comments about Fake News are right on the mark --- and I provide the theoretical foundation for why it couldn't have evolved any other way in my book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy.)
What I'm talking about now is Fake Science, Fake Medicine, Fake Education, and Fake Journalism -- the last of which holds to the premise that if you -- if I may paraphrase that paragon of psychopathy, Adolf Hitler -- lie often enough, vigorously enough, authoratively enough, there's enough stupid people in the world who won't take the time to fact-check your nonsense, such that you'll get a critical mass to accept your hoary bullshit as the truth.
Don't laugh.
You know it's true.
You wouldn't read my articles if you were partial to the mainstream media's unending "Zombie Friendly" stream of fresh, steaming, hot-off-the-griddle sewage in the first place.
It's the reason I wrote Meditopia in the first place.
It's the reason I went after that ridiculous Big Pharma front operation, Quackwatch when they wrote falsely about myself and Black Salve -- going so far as to produce a thoughtful point-by-point refutation of Quackwatch's position.
It's the reason I went after Dr. Oz with a very thorough rebuttal, when he targetted me personally and stole pictorials from success cases posted online, attempting to make them look like failed cases. (He did this without the permission of those whose pictures he used. When these people complained, Dr. Oz's people ignored them.)
And it's the reason I'm now taking on Buzzfeed.
OK --- let's get started.

On Tuesday night, October 29 (2019) at 11:41 pm (my time) I got the following letter from a senior Buzzfeed journalist, a Ms. Katie Notopoulos.
Hi Greg,

I'm a tech reporter with BuzzFeed News, and I'm working on a story about how
tech companies -- Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon -- are dealing with content
about health information that goes against what the traditional medical
establishment says is safe and effective. For example, all three companies
have recently started removing anti-vaccine content.

I am mentioning you in the context of how the FDA has banned the sale of 
"black salve" in the past, but that it is still available for sale online.
Can you confirm that your website still ships black salve to the US?
And that you are still living in Ecuador?

Do you have any ideas about why people seek out black salve instead of
traditional skin cancer treatments like surgery or chemotherapy?

Katie Notopoulos | BuzzFeed News | Senior Reporter | @katienotopoulos
o: 646.589.0268 | c: 917.703.6566
111 East 18th St. New York, NY 10003
Forgive me for not being a follower of pop culture, but I had never heard of Buzzfeed before, so I had to look it up. Next, I called a friend and read him the letter, asking for his advice. The conversation that resulted went something like this:
"What do you think of this outfit?" I asked.
"Trash journalism. Plus it curries favor with what it views as the orthodox corporatist position. You'd do best to stay clear of these guys."
"Trash journalism? How trashy are we talking? I've never even been on their website, and I just now read their entry on Wikipedia," I pressed.
"Let me put it this way. Buzzfeed makes The National Enquirer look like Scientific American. A mix of sensationalism with news for hire. You remember what you went through with Dr. Oz, right? Ok . . . So just know what you're dealing with here. Same brothel. Different prostitute."
I should have ignored the letter entirely. That would have been the better part of wisdom. But I didn't, so the following morning, I emailed "Katie" the following response:
Katie, I have plenty to say about Black Salve, having worked with it for 30 years -- including numerous times on my own body -- but, in all candor, if you're just going to do a hit piece, as opposed to a fair assessment of escharotics, I'd rather be left out. I just finished what -- to me -- is a farewell monograph about my experiences with Black Salve. In fact, the title of the book is Black Salve. See: I don't mind sending you a free digital copy, if you'd like. George Orwell wrote that in times of universal deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act. If I can't speak the truth without being marked as a revolutionary, I'd rather not speak at all. I'm currently working with partners to take advantage of a food processing technology I developed over 20 years while President of Lumen Foods ( The end result will be the sale of innovative, nutraceutical shrimp products on : I can send you free samples. If you want to write about what I do, write about that. But don't endanger people in the alternative health care field who work in earnest to bring the best health alternatives to a needy public while praying that they don't get targeted, like I was, by the medical mafia and their sycophants in the mainstream media and immoral criminal court system. It's just not right. Greg Caton
I haven't heard back from Katie -- nor do I expect to.
Two days ago, on October 30th , I discovered that Katie had posted the following article on the Buzzfeed site. As expected, it is chockful of false statements -- many of them unsupportable talking points about Black Salve that agents of organized medicine have been floating for years. It's designed to scare the public, which makes it ironic (and synchonistic) that they decided to put it out on the eve of Halloween. I reproduce it below, along with my rebuttal points in DARK RED. Here is the link on Buzzfeed to their Black Salve article. I wonder if they'll take it down when I expose Katie for her blatant disregard for facts. We'll see.

At the time I received Katie's letter from Buzzfeed, my sense was that her "hit piece" article was already complete, and Katie was just wanted to "polish it," by getting something from me so she could twist it so as to make me look ridiculous. This is exactly what I dealt with when I was interviewed by Dr. Oz.
Sure enough, I checked into Buzzfeed -- this was my second time -- and entered "Black Salve" in the search field. The following article came up. When you read articles like this, you understand why economic trend analysis expert, Gerald Celente, refers to people in the mainstream media as "presstitutes."
Yes -- I know it's crude. It's also unfair. To prostitutes. You may find what they do to be morally objectionable, but at least their transactions are largely marked by reciprocity. Politicians and mainstream journalists are creatures who operate at a much, much lower level: most of them have no problem lying to their "customers" to advance their career -- often in ways where the consequences of these lies put people's lives at risk. This article is a great example.
Let's dissect this thing. First, the title:

Black Salve Is A Dangerous Fake
Cancer Cure, But It Continues To
Flourish In Facebook Groups

[ GC: Let's just dissect the title for a moment. Right away, Katie gets to work. The title leaves no room to account for the millions of people over the past 500 years who have privately and successfully used Black Salve -- as I document in Meditopia. If used according to instructions and taking into account pain management guidelines, properly made Black Salve is far less dangerous than allopathic "standard-of-care" cancer therapy options -- and mind you, although Black Salve is used primarily used to treat skin cancers, it also has internal applications. Chemotherapy? It has a 2 to 3% success rate. Radiation therapy? A disastrous approach to treating cancer. Natural News has scores of articles documenting the harmful effects of radiation therapy -- (example). Radical surgery? Ridiculously dangerous -- nearly always metastatic. Doctors have known this for centuries, going all the way back to Hippocrates.
I've been working with escharotics, the class of natural remedy to which Black Salve belongs, for 30 years -- since 1989. I know more about it than anybody I know. I just finished a 350 page book about my experiences, called -- wait for it -- Black Salve. Out of many thousands of cases, I have NEVER known anybody to die from using Black Salve. I've known people to abuse it. I've known people to suffer by not following instructions. I've even known many people to be disappointed because they applied Black Salve to a spot they "thought" was cancerous, and nothing happened. Nothing happened because properly made Black Salve doesn't react with healthy tissue. But -- again -- nobody I know as ever died from using Black Salve. Can we say the same for conventional "standard of care" cancer therapy? Of course not. Untold hundreds of thousands people die every year as a direct causal result of their using conventional therapy. Does that make it dangerous? According to Buzzfeed, not at all.
Is that nuts? I think so.
The title also contains the word "fake." Yes. Fake. What exactly is fake about it? It works and most people are happy with the results. Does that make it fake? The proof is in the title itself. Katie seems genuinely UPSET that Black Salve is flourishing on Facebook Groups. Why is it flourishing? Is it important to know? Of course not. It's flourishing, of course, because Black Salve works -- at a fraction of the price of conventional therapy, without the side effects, and with a "heal over" that is more aesthetically attractive than the alternatives, including Moh's surgery. (I talk about this in Chapter One of Meditopia (2004).)
Do you want to know what really makes Black Salve "dangerous and fake." I'll tell you. Because it's a superior approach, it takes business away from conventional therapies that carry ridiculously high profit margins. That -- and that alone -- makes Black Salve "dangerous and fake." But to people who are end users? It isn't "dangerous and fake" to them. If you look at the hundreds of pictorials and testimonials I've posted over the years from happy customers, you'll know what's really dangerous and fake. If you study the case of Dr. Perry Nichols, whose clinic cured 70,000 people of cancers that today's cancer clinics can't even touch, using Black Salve and other escharotic materials -- again -- you'll know what's really dangerous and fake. (Read about Dr. Perry Nichols here.)
If I created a skin cancer treatment made of water, baby powder, and horse urine, do you think anybody would use it? Maybe a few. Would it work? Of course not. Could you say it's dangerous and fake? Well . . . it's certainly fake. But here's the real kicker: Would it have many thousands of people in Facebook Groups talking about it?
Not on your life.
None of these facts -- most obtained by applying this very rare commodity called common sense -- matter to Buzzfeed. When you're a paid shill, things like truth and facts lose all meaning. You're just a hired gun. You're job is to assassinate the designed target. Nothing else matters.
Okay -- now let's look at the subtitle:

"Black salve" burns through human skin,
but Facebook says that groups dedicated to
the sham medicine don't violate its community guidelines.

Again. Pure nonsense.
True or false? Does Black Salve "burn" healthy tissue? No. Again -- it is common to hear someone who THINKS they have a skin cancer complain because they applied Black Salve and nothing happened. Katie talks as if Black Salve is caustic. Really? Does she know that Black Salve generally has a pH of between 5 and 6? This is the kind of journalistic "fake" that drives people crazy --- that it is perfectly acceptable to advance statements if they serve your political cause, even if they have no basis in truth, even if they are so provably false that a little fact-checking could lead to your professional embarrassment. Is that a problem? Heck, no. Who fact-checks anymore? We're all into online memes now, baby!
Katie uses the term "sham medicine." Really? What is it about it that makes it a sham? Well, we know what it is. Anything that takes away business from high margin conventional therapy is dangerous, fake, a sham, a travesty, scandalous, immoral, illegal, unethical, monstrous . . . let me get my thesaurus out . . . I need to hurry up and find a lot more negative words.
Okay. We're finished with the title and the subtitle. Now let's get to the body of the article:

Even as Facebook has cracked down on anti-vaxxers and peddlers of snake oil cure-alls, a particularly grotesque form of fake cancer treatment has flourished in private groups on Facebook. Black salve, a caustic black paste that eats through flesh, is enthusiastically recommended in dedicated groups as a cure for skin and breast cancer -- and for other types of cancer when ingested in pill form. There's even a group dedicated to applying the paste to pets.

A Facebook spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that these groups don't violate its community guidelines. This summer, it launched an initiative to address "exaggerated or sensational health claims" and will downrank that content in the News Feed, similar to how it handles clickbait. But it's not clear how it defines what a "sensational" health claim is. Citing user privacy, Facebook would not say whether or not it had downranked the black salve groups in the News Feed.

Okay. Stop.
Right away, Katie goes after those who have concerns about vaccinations -- even though the work of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, among others, should give us concern to be alarmed about the push for vaccinations. I have a nephew, Daniel, who was born perfectly normal on September 28, 1992. At about 18 months old, he received the MMR childhood vaccination and shortly thereafter became autistic. This has occurred to untold thousands of children. Today my nephew is 27 years old and he's Stage 4 autistic. Basically, my nephew is a walking vegetable and it has ruined the life of my one and only biological sibbling.
I'm sick and tired of authorities who try to gaslight our asses by trying to assure us that vaccines are safe and effective -- when they are neither safe nor effective.
What is really going on here is that Katie -- acting as an agent for Big Pharma -- is attempting to use her influence as a media person to silence people who talk about Black Salve. How do I know that? Because I was able to discover that based on pressure that Katie applied to Amazon, the print edition of my book, Black Salve, was taken off the market. My publisher, CreateSpace, is owned by Amazon -- so not only did I lose sales by losing the Amazon account, but I lost my publisher and I know have to find another one. (NOTE: The sale of the digital edition is still available on my personal site . Amazon has no power to eliminate my sale of digital copies of my books.)
I announced these facts to my customers in a special mailing this past Tuesday -- October 29.
So much for First Amendment rights.
Long live Big Pharma censorship!
Let's continue with the text of the Buzzfeed article:

Other platforms have taken a different approach. When BuzzFeed News asked YouTube about several videos where people discussed using black salve, YouTube said the videos were in violation and removed them. Amazon, which does not sell the salve itself, removed a book about black salve when BuzzFeed News asked about it.

Doctors and medical literature are clear that black salve is not a safe or effective cure for cancer. The FDA does not allow the sale of the product in the US. But tech platforms are not in sync about how to handle it. And in the meantime, people are getting disfigured or dying.

The book about Black Salve that was removed by Amazon was mine -- as I just stated. Why on earth would it be so important to remove videos from YouTube where people are simply sharing their personal experiences? Answer: Big Pharma doesn't want people knowing that Black Salve works, so it is vitally important to send out Disinfo Agents, like Katie, to ensure that people remain ignorant. By the way, I have videos of successful cases on my site that Amazon and YouTube cannot censor going back to 1995. Enjoy.
Katie says that "doctors and medical literature are clear that black salve is not a safe or effective cure for cancer." That's not true at all. Medical literature exists that touts its effectiveness, but it uses another name, "chemosurgery." (See the 2011-2013 testimonial page, first entry, by way of example. Also, see The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine (Magazine) Cansema® Black Salve -- [Aug.-Nov. 2013 -- Issue #10 -- halfway down this page]. Katie touts "medical literature" as if it were the Word of God. Maybe she doesn't know that medical journals are now so fully of disinformation that for years, they've been having to issue a wave of retractions. Actually, she probably knows and doesn't care. She wants Black Salve impeached, and -- by God -- she's not gonna stop until she gets it. Her efforts remind me the journal article (a review article, incidentally) that was so full of provably false statements, that I had compose a rebuttal to that article, too.
Last of all. Katie? Oh Katie, dear? Can you provide us with even so much as ONE CASE of a person who died because they applied Black Salve? No? You can't? Could that have anything to do with the fact that such a case does not exist? As for "disfiguring," I believe it is worth noting that the case that was used against me by the U.S. FDA -- the case of Sue Gilliatt was so fraudulent that Ms. Gilliatt was made to admit under oath in a deposition that she removed her own nose with embroidery scissors. The few cases of "disfigurement" that I am aware of out of many thousands of cases usually involve the nose, and these are cases where the nose is so riddled with cancer that even plastic surgeons who have examined the case admit that the nose itself will have to be removed before reconstructive work can begin. Moreover, such cases are extremely rare.
What we have here is ...
More Fake Science.
More Fake Medicine.
More Fake Journalism.

Proponents of black salve in the Facebook groups believe that the paste, typically made from a flowering plant called bloodroot and zinc chloride, only eats away cancerous or diseased tissue. (In fact, cases in medical literature describe extensive tissue damage.) The salve eats away at tissue for a few days or weeks, usually needing several reapplications. In groups like "Black Salve Healing Support Group," people post photos of their affected areas and ask for advice about how often to reapply or how to treat the resulting wounds.

Let's break it down. "Only eats away at cancerous or diseased tissue." Why do the people on these Facebook Groups believe that? Because it's true. Katie says that "cases in medical literature describe extensive tissue damage." She's right. They do. And the claim is so fraudulent, both on the part of orthodox apologists and their shills, like Katie, that people in the orthodox community have to go out of their way to alter or delete pictures from pictorials of success cases in order to fraudulently make them look like failures. This happened in Australia, in the link I just provided. It happened on national television when Dr. Oz scammed his audience by stealing photos from a woman who was a success case -- someone, in fact, that we sold Black Salve to and worked with, and deliberately altering her testimony to try and make it look like a failed case. It's happened to countless naturopathic practitioners I've talked to over the years who have to wrestle with this officially-sanctioned fraud. Would this kind of chicanery be necessary if what Katie were saying was true?

About seven Facebook groups for discussing the use of black salve are visible on the site (groups can choose to not be visible in search results). If you search "black salve" on the social network, these groups aren't in the main results, but if you limit the search to the Groups tab, they all appear. They are private and you have to request to join. The largest group has about 21,000 members.

Now see? I didn't know that. I appreciate the tip, and as soon as I finish composing this rebuttal, I will let these groups know that both Buzzfeed and you personally are defrauding the public by "shilling" for Big Pharma with deliberate false information. But don't worry. Your Big Pharma handlers will reward you for your efforts.

A woman recently posted photos to a private group of a spot on her cheek that she had applied black salve seven times, asking if she should keep applying after it oozed pus several times. The next post was from a man and featured photos of a large wound on his ribs and the scab that had fallen off. In the comments, someone wrote, "Impressive!"

Maybe that's because it IS impressive. This is accomplished with a jar of Cansema that costs $24.95. How much would general practitioners or oncologists charge for this --- assuming that they could do it at all? . . . Think about it and I'll get back to you later.

People report that this process is exactly as painful as you'd expect -- many users take painkillers while using the salve. After a while, the area will form an eschar (a giant type of scab) that will fall out in a huge clump, leaving behind a hole with scar tissue. If things don't go well, the area can become infected or necrotic. In 2017, a woman posted on a group with 21,000 members that she put black salve on her breast to kill a tumor. When she bent over, she heard a popping noise, and blood and pus poured out. She went to the emergency room, where she was put on intravenous antibiotics; three months later, she wrote an update to say she was being treated by a traditional oncologist.

Here Katie starts things off by talking about "pain." The pain management techniques that people need to follow when using Black Salve are simple and effective. In 30 years, I have used Black Salve personally to remove about a dozen growths. Appendix E of the Black Salve book shows a host of pictorials of growths removed at different stages of the escharotic process from my own body -- both cancers and diagnosed actinic keratosis. I am not familiar with the 2017 case cited, but this helps explain I work with doctors who provide free information on Black Salve simply by writing to

Dr. Melanie Bui, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Vermont Medical Center and coauthor of a paper on the dangers of black salve, said the people who are using it are good people who are just misinformed. "There's a huge misperception that it's selective to cancer only, and it's not at all -- it'll kill any cells you put on it," she told BuzzFeed News.

The "good people" are not misinformed, Dr. Melanie Bui. You are. If there were any truth to your statement, it would not have been possible all these years to have users of Black Salve contact us to ask why it was that they applied Black Salve and nothing happened. I found it quite interesting that the "study" on which Dr. Bui's inclusion in this Buzzfeed article is based is nothing other than a JAMA Dermatology examination of a single case of a 70 year old man with a history of basal cell carcinomas. The claim is made that the man who is the basis of this "study" used Cansema, in which case I find it curious that no attempt was made to contact Alpha Omega Labs for guidance -- a simple matter involving no additional cost.

People will apply the salve to a mole or spot, and when it starts eating away at the skin, they'll take that as confirmation that it was indeed cancer, without seeking a doctor's diagnosis. These supposed success stories add to the misinformation: People who put salve on a mole that may have not been cancer in the first place boast that they are now cancer-free.

Katie doesn't understand the escharotic process and has no desire to know. It is clearly spelled out here, but there is far greater detail in my book, Black Salve. Black Salve reacts to a variety of diseased skin conditions, but its reaction to skin cancer -- be it basal or squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma -- is unique. It has its own distinct morphology.

What makes black salve seductive as a fake cancer cure is some historical usage. Dr. Frederic Mohs, whose method for skin cancer surgery is still widely used, originally used a form of black salve when developing the technique that bears his name in the 1930s, but that has long since been replaced by more modern technology.

Really? Replaced by what more modern technology? What "more modern technology" might we be talking about? The escharotic part of Moh's surgery was jettisoned because practitioners quickly realized that Black Salve by itself obviated the need for surgery -- which was the profitable part of Moh's enucleation process. Cha-Ching! We can't have that, now can we! Modern medicine's prime directive is very clearcut: "Make more money, damnit!" I discuss this facet of the evolution of Moh's surgery in Chapter 1 of Meditopia.

Bui said that though it's possible black salve could kill a skin cancer spot by destroying the tissue, there's a danger that some cancer could be left behind. Even worse, it could actually cause the cancer to metastasize and spread, becoming deadly. "As a rule, basal cell never metastasizes, unless you put a mutantagenic on it like black salve, and then it will go rogue," Bui told BuzzFeed News.

Cancer getting left behind is always a possibility. And THAT is why proper instructions are provided to ensure that users "root out all the cancer." Because if you leave any mother or daughter cells behind, that cancer will, indeed, grow back. In 30 years, I have yet to encounter a single case where Black Salve caused metastasis. So, okay, kiddies, let's just make things up as we go along, because the end justifies the means, and if we can get just one person to refrain from using Black Salve, and instead keep that appointment with the oncologist, then all of our lies will be worth it. Is that how this works? Of course, that's how this works. People need to use their heads here.

The FDA considers black salve a fake cancer cure. In April 2017, it sent warning letters to peddlers of these kinds of false medicine, including sellers of black salve, the sale of which is prohibited in the United States. One Amish seller in Kentucky was arrested in 2017 and sentenced to six years in prison for selling black salve. But sellers overseas still ship to the US. In Facebook groups, people discuss where to buy or even how to DIY the paste from a recipe (the active ingredients are legally sold separately).

If the FDA could get away with it, they'd make it illegal to claim that water is a cure for dehydration. And you'd only be allowed to breath "pharmaceutical-grade air." The FDA went after me in 1988 for producing a snack called, "Cajun Jerky." My crime? I claimed that the product contained no "trans fatty acids." My defense was that it was a truthful statement. The FDA came back and said, "it may be true, but we do not allow people to make this claim." See a pattern?

One seller and proponent of black salve, Greg Caton, was arrested in 2004 for violating FDA rules about selling unapproved drugs. After he left prison, he moved to Ecuador and reopened his website, where he continues to sell black salve and ships to the US. When asked by BuzzFeed News about it, Amazon removed Caton's book about black salve from sale on its site (his books on ayahuasca and government criminality are still for sale).

Well, you knew this was coming, because you read the letters at the beginning of this article. What Katie doesn't tell you is that I moved out of the U.S. because I had a criminal defense lawyer who told me that if I remained in the U.S., I would be in danger. Moreover, my websites sell hundreds of items that have nothing to do with Black Salve. Of all the things I've sold in my lifetime, the thing I've sold the most is meat analogs. That company (Lumen Foods) was sold in 2007 so I would have no attachments north of the equator. Also in this paragraph, we have Katie admitting to getting my book banned by Amazon. She's so proud of herself. Maybe she can get my books on ayahuasca and government censored, as well. Katie is completely destroying my Chinese social scoring rating. I won't be able to go to the market now and buy any food. I am so bummed!

People use black salve not just for skin cancer, but other skin conditions, including acne and unwanted moles. Milder, less corrosive forms of black salve are sold with recommendations from sellers to use as a vaginal douche or enema. In 2018, an Australian woman died after allegedly treating ovarian cancer by applying black salve topically to her abdomen.

I've never recommended that anybody use Black Salve to treat acne. That's just ridiculous. I have to wonder who made this up. Nowhere in extant literature am I aware of anyone with credibility noting acne as an indication for escharotics. As to unwanted moles, if one is cancerous, yes, Black Salve will remove it. Is the mole benign? Then there will probably be no reaction. In diluted forms, I have known practitioners in different countries who have successfully used Black Salve as a vaginal douche (usually to treat cervical cancer) or enema (usually to treat a colorectal growth). Both approaches work when done with the supervision of a qualified naturopath. As for this woman who "died after allegedly treating ovarian cancer by applying black salve topically to her abdomen," this approach works SOMETIMES, but it should never be attempted without concurrently using more aggressive systemic measures. The point, however, is that Black Salve applied to the abdomen did not kill this woman. Her cause of death --- drum roll, please --- was cancer.

"It's important to note that a lot of people are using [black salve] are good people with good intentions and don't understand the science."

Golly gee! This quote was in bold and in a much larger point size, so it must be important! So people "don't understand the science"? Really? How come these "good people" are not out there embarrassing themselves by saying that Black Salve indiscriminately burns skin -- healthy or diseased -- when it is so provably false? . . . NO --- I think the "good people" do understand the science just fine. Moreover, I think what really bakes the noodle of people who are whoring themselves for the Medical Industrial Complex is that people not only understand the science, but of greater importance, they understand the politics, greed, and inherent psychopathy behind conventional cancer therapies. They understand that Fake Medicine is even more insidious than Fake News.

There's a wide spectrum of what might count as health misinformation. What about wellness "woo," like essential oils, crystals, an all-meat diet, or even Jack Dorsey's EMF-blocking sauna? Is anything that isn't backed by double-blind studies misinformation? There are groups for cupping, herbs that supposedly treat addiction, and even for pregnant women who choose "unassisted childbirth" -- no doctors, midwives, or doulas for birth and no prenatal checkups, tests, or any doctor visits at all. This is certainly against the medical establishment's advice, but do these groups count as spreading misinformation?

This is where Katie reveals her true colors. The levels of absurdity in her arguments just keep getting worse. Let's break this down. First of all, the validity of the medicinal properties of essential oils is well-established. We ourselves carry a line of pure medicinal oils called Alma de la Planta. I knew Dr. Gary Young personally, founder of Young Living, which has thousands of distributors. If you ask any of them or their customers, if essential oils are "wellness woo," they'll laugh at you. And they'll do this because the medicinal effects of essential oils is hornbook science. Dr. Gary Young's book has not yet been banned by Amazon.
I don't work with crystals myself, but I know people who have who have benefited from it. Should their personal experiences be disgarded as "woo medicine"? And as for an all-meat diet, does anybody who knows anything about ketosis disregard the fact that this can be beneficial to those suffering from obesity who are not getting relief elsewhere? Personally, I would never recommend an all-meat diet because it's deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, not to mention fiber, but do I have to right to discount the reports of people who have benefited from it -- especially for short periods of time in order to maintain a proper weight? What right do I or anybody else have to label anything as "woo medicine" if it's beneficial to the person practicing it?
The same goes for this Jack Dorsey's EMF-blocking sauna. I have no idea what this is, and I'm not going to take the time now to research it, but just from the name of the therapy, I wouldn't discount it. Dr. Samuel Milham (M.D., MPH) does an excellent job in his short monograph, Dirty Electricity, documenting how orthodoxists and their apologists, like Katie, downplay the horrific effects of EMF pollution. As an epidemiologist, Dr. Milham spent decades documenting the effects of EMF radiation. When I took my U.S. FCC test for the Extra Advanced Ham Radio license, there was an entire section dealing with the harm caused by electromagnetic radiation. You needed to know this material to pass the test.
Next, Katie goes after herbs that "supposedly treat addition."
I'm sorry, but what an idiot . . . For a while we carried a product called Addict Assist. This herbal product works so well in curing herion addiction in Vietnam that it is supported by the the Vietnamese government. Here in South America ayahuasca is used extensively and successfully to treat substance abuse. If you log onto PubMed, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, you will find 30 studies about the effects of ayahuasca in curbing addition -- most of them supportive. That says a lot since the results of most of these studies do nothing to support Big Pharma.
As for "unassisted childbirth," where's the rub? . . . Oh, that's right . . . I must be deluded. My culture teaches that a mother should have the right to kill her baby, but not the right to delivery her baby the way she wants. What the hell was I thinking.

"Medically speaking, it's important to note that a lot of people are using [black salve] are good people with good intentions and don't understand the science," said Bui. "There's a subset of people preying upon the hope of people with cancer diagnoses, and they're just evil." [emphasis added]

We read some of this already, because part of it was used in a quote (see above). So it appears now that I am not only deluded, but I'm also evil. Interesting. Let's get this straight, since I've removed a dozen malignant growths off my own body with Black Salve over the past 30 years, and documented it pictorially in my book, Black Salve. Am I evil when I use it to rid my own body of cancers, or only when I recommend it or sell it to others? Since it works demonstrably well, much better than orthodox solutions for skin cancers, and thousands of people know this to be true -- as true as the sun rises in the easts and sets in the west, exactly what part of what I've been doing makes me evil? I really want to know.

There are many reasons a person might seek alternative treatments. Patients, doctors, and politicians agree that the U.S. medical system is broken. The CDC estimates 1 in 4 cancer survivors borrow money, file for bankruptcy, or go into debt to pay for medical bills. And people with a serious or fatal illness like cancer might look to alternative treatments after traditional medicine fails them or as a potential sign of hope. The supposed success stories told in these black salve Facebook groups and YouTube videos are compelling and hopeful. Black salve is not the only fake cancer cure to proliferate online: In 2017, BuzzFeed News wrote about a bogus cure made of apricot seeds that had nearly died out in the 1970s and was having a revival online.

Katie presentation here is so ignorance-rich, I want to pull my hair out. She admits that "the U.S. medical system is broken." Okay --- well then why is it broken? It's broken because it's psychopathic. I take 350 pages to explain this in my book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy, so I'm not going to go into details here. Stated briefly, conventional medicine is not guided by unconditional love or even reciprocity. It is guided by negative reciprocity -- or what I call "negaprocity." Medical practitioners consistently take more from patients than patients get in return. In my book I make the argument that negaprocity is fundamentally evil. You want a better definition of evil? . . . There . . . Now you have it. My definition is not the same as Dr. Bui's or Katie's --- who, when you really break it down, have a working definition of evil that goes like this; "If it's bad for the Medical Industrial Complex and its profits, then it must be evil."
I respectfully disagree.
Katie openly admits that the YouTube that people have posted are "compelling and hopeful." Well, then why are they compelling and hopeful? The answer is simple: they're compelling and hopeful because people are getting rid of their cancers. None of the cancers that I have removed with Black Salve over these 30 years has ever come back. Not one. Moreover, I have either no scars, or scarring is so faint as to be almost imperceptible. What do you think are the chances that this would have happened if I had gone the conventional route?
Katie then attempts to "tin foil hat" anybody talking about apricot seeds. Now I state clearly in Chapter 4 of Meditopia that in my professional experience, apricot seeds and the Vitamin B17 that they contain, are not -- in the vast majority of cases -- a cure for cancer. This is particularly true for advanced cases. They do, however, help, and G. Edward Griffin does an excellent job of describing the physiological effects in his book, World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17. If someone takes apricot seeds for nutritional support, the benefit of which is well-documented, even if those seeds are not the sole cause of their cure, does that make it bogus? Diets low in fiber are well-known, in many cases, to be a contributing factor to colorectal cancer. If I change my diet to high fiber to support a healthy lifestyle -- even if these dietary changes do not, in and of themselves, cure my colorectal cancer, does this make them bogus?
Advanced internal cancers are complex, and I make the point repeatedly in my writings that using natural products, it is rare that one product, and only one product, provides the "cure" for the disease. Treating cancer successfully involves changes in lifestyle, examination of psychological and stress factors that act as cancinogenic inputs, as well as consuming natural products that are known to be cancerolytic. None of these approaches are bogus. They all work together to help the body return to a state of health.

Vaccine misinformation is an easy target for YouTube and Facebook (although its system of blocking anti-vax ads has been imperfect so far). It's a highly public and visible controversy where there's overwhelming public support to stop the spread of measles, which has had several large outbreaks in the US in the last few years. By taking a stance on anti-vax content, Facebook and YouTube have accepted some responsibility for misleading content about health claims. But dubious health claims -- whether by some profiteering huckster or simply well-meaning people trying to improve their health -- go far beyond just vaccines. And while anti-vaxxers have the potential to cause a widespread public health issue, these lesser-known fake health cures like black salve are potentially more deadly per capita.

Again, this is total nonsense. We covered this. I do not know of a single person who has ever died from using Black Salve. I know hundreds personally who have died because of chemo and radiation. I've known people who were in cachexia after numerous rounds of chemo and/or radiation, and I ended up telling them, "I have nothing to sell you. I can't help you at this point." So, Katie, is just pulling this out of her proverbially butt.
As to the anti-vaxxer's, all they want is their civil rights returned. Who in the hell died and made these people God? Just when was it that I lost the right to determine if my child will or will not be vaccinated? This is especially true when you read studies, largely hidden, of epidemiological increases in disease in statistical cohorts who get vaccinated. It's an issue of choice. Want another example of evil? Forcing a therapy or a phamaceutical drug onto somebody who doesn't want it, especially when they have compelling reasons for wanting to decline its use. To return to an earlier analogy, imagine the absurdity of saying it is okay for a mother to abort her baby, but it's not okay to decline the use of a vaccine on one's own body.
The "Katie's" of this world have what, when I was in the military, we called "target fixation." They are so intent on pushing the official positions of the Medical Industrial Complex that they are incapable of detecting the extreme absurdities in their own arguments.

When asked if these types of videos would (be) a violation of its community standards, YouTube said they were and removed them.

Here we go again. An important quote in large type.
We should all learn something from this.
I read an article recently that says the majority of Americans say we should be away with the First Amendment, that speech should be limited to "acceptable speech." Acceptable to whom? People like Katie? Now I have no idea whether this is just more "Fake News," or not, but it is nonetheless disturbing. Nothing is more fundamental to the American experience than the idea that man has inalienable rights. The Bill of Rights were influenced by the thinking of great men like the French philospher, Voltaire, when he said, "I may not believe a word you say. But I'll fight to the death you're right to say it." The Nazi tactics of the Katie's of this world has been around for a while now. It's not new. When I wrote most of Meditopia in 2004, I pointed out in Chapter 3, Section 2 that even Alexis de Tocqueville, when he wrote Democracy in America in the 1830's was surprised by the decline in civil rights. As I wrote then:
Tocqueville uses the strongest possible language of his time to describe an intolerance to the very spirit of the First Amendment -- worse than the Inquisition. "If America has not yet found any great writers, we should not look elsewhere for reasons; literary genius does not thrive without freedom of thought and there is no freedom of thought in America." [emphasis added]. The Inquisition was never able to stop the circulation in Spain of books hostile to the religion of the majority. The power of the majority in the United States has had greater success than that by removing even the thought of publishing such books. You come across skeptics in America but skepticism cannot find an outlet for its views."
These words are truer today than when I quoted Tocqueville in 2004. That a journalist can make a call to YouTube and get them to remove YouTube content at will is, to me, incredibly disturbing . . . That people like Katie are having such success in promoting her vomit-inducing nonsense and suppressing the views of other is proof that things have only gotten worse than the time of Tocqueville.

In 2017, a woman named April documented her use of black salve to treat breast cancer over the course of 14 videos posted to YouTube. In her video descriptions, she said she had done chemo but declined surgery or radiation. Four months after her last video in early 2019, the top comment is from her own account, but written by her son, who said that she had died. These videos have not been removed by YouTube.

Very early in my work in the 1990's, I was able to see the devastating effects of chemotherapy. I have, over the years, heard from countless practitioners who administer chemotherapy and radiation that although they provide conventional therapies to their patients -- their ability to practice medicine without jeopardizing their standing with the licensing board requires it -- they would never undergo it themselves. Nor would they subject a loved one to it. With each passing year, I became ever more disgusted with how grostesquely scandalous these therapies were -- and how the guiding hands behind their creation were supremely psychopathic. When I was able to study the history of medicine more thoroughly, the degree to which inexpensive natural products, which really do ameliorate cancer, if not outright cure it, were being suppressed, my views were only more rigorously reinforced. You get some sense of this if you read Chapter 4 of Meditopia.
The paragraph above is yet another disgusting example of how committed conventional apologists are to burying the truth. Read this paragraph carefully. Read it a couple times. You will note although Katie openly admits that this woman with breast cancer underwent chemotherapy, the assumption is automatically made that since she subsequently died, the cause must be her use of Black Salve. I can tell you from personal experience that despite the miraculous healing powers of well-made Black Salve, there is nothing about Black Salve that will reverse the devastating effects of chemotherapy.
Every person is different, but in varying degrees, chemotherapy poisons you. But Black Salve will not unpoison you, and you will find no one, to the best of my knowledge, who would attempt to argue that it does.
People with serious internal cancers die every day from cancer. Most of them have never heard of Black Salve, let alone ever used it. But to make the presumption that where a person who has been subjected to conventional therapy and Black Salve and has died, the cause must be the Black Salve, this is just ludicrous.

The top results for "black salve" on YouTube are from reputable sources like the Mayo Clinic or CBS News, which describe it as a dangerous and ineffective cancer treatment. But after the first few results, there are videos that show real people who have used the salve, along with the gory images of their resulting wounds. When asked if these types of videos would a violation of its community standards, YouTube said they were and removed them.

The previous quote is taken from this text, which follows. Obviously, all my previous remarks apply. The use of the term "reputable sources" is interesting here. Mayo Clinic and CBS News? Reputable? Really? Not to me. Not to any naturopath that I ever met. What gives these people the right, the police powers, to promote the views of their "reputable sources," and not our own?
This is absolute tyranny. Pure and simple.

YouTube didn't say if black salve videos were already a topic that it was looking out for and proactively removing before being asked about specific ones. Despite the takedowns, there are still black salve videos on the platform, including ones with titles like "I Removed Four Breast Tumours Using Black Salve."

Again, this shows the pure tyranny behind Katie's activities. Basically, what she's saying here is, "If your views are different from mine, they must be eliminated."

Facebook and Google know that pseudoscience is a problem on their platforms. Both companies have cracked down on anti-vaccine content in the last year. Facebook made anti-vax pages and groups less discoverable in both its News Feed and search, as well as removing them from the sidebar that recommends similar groups. On both Facebook and Instagram, anti-vax searches will prompt a warning popup that directs people to the World Health Organization website. One of the top anti-vax Facebook groups, "Stop Mandatory Vaccination Now," run by a man named Larry Cook, was blocked from running ads on Facebook. Google demonetized Cook's YouTube account along with those of other anti-vaccine accounts.

But on Facebook, the crackdown on vaccine misinformation has not extended to black salve. Black salve is far less common than vaccine misinformation, in both the general public's consciousness and the numbers on Facebook. Stop Mandatory Vaccination Now has 170,000 members, far bigger than the biggest black salve groups.

And here we have just more of the same. Anything that doesn't confirm to Deep State propaganda is "pseudo." Do you have an errant thought about a principle the Elite is pushing? That's pseudo-science. Medicinal herbs? That's pseudo-science or pseudo-pharmaceutical. Here in South America, we have seed plants that produce cereal that is more nutritious than wheat, rye, corn, or rice -- the big moneymakers in the world of monocrop agriculture. These include kiwichi (amaranth), quinoa, and kaniwa. Hmmmmm . . . could pose a competitive threat. So how are they classified? Pseudo-cereals.
This goes beyond botanical, taxinomical classification. "Pseudo" is clearly a pejorative.

Other types of medical misinformation have run rampant on Facebook groups for a while, and Facebook seems to only be handling these on a case-by-case basis. This year, NBC reported about Facebook groups promoting a "cure" for autism that involved feeding children bleach. The Wall Street Journal reported how fake cancer cures like baking soda injections proliferate on Facebook and YouTube. Last week, another fake cancer cure that spread through Facebook groups was exposed by Business Insider (Facebook removed the groups when Business Insider brought it to the platform's attention).

I have never -- in all my life -- heard of anybody promoting the ingestion of chlorine bleach. Quite the contrary, I am one of the few naturopaths online who talk about the dangers of 'halogen displacement,' caused by low-weight halogens such as industrial chlorine and flourine.

In July, Facebook announced a change to its News Feed algorithm that aimed to limit the spread of bogus health claims (two weeks earlier, the Washington Post had written a report on th proliferation of bogus cancer claims). Posts that made dubious health claims or sold snake oil would be downranked in the News Feed.

But these changes may be too late for some.

Again, for clarification. The definition here for "bogus health claim" is a statement that doesn't comport with the market objectives of the Medical Industrial Complex. It has nothing to do with whether or not a claim is true or not, or whether the product or therapy is actually effective.

In a Facebook group named "Bloodroot Discussion Group," a woman posted frequently about using the salve in pill form as well as topically to treat her ovarian cancer through 2015 and 2016. Six months after her last post asking if it was normal to pass lumps vaginally, a fellow member posted to say she had died.

I've never done this work myself, but I have known physicians who successfully treat cervical, uteran, and ovarian cancers by administering Black Salve intervaginally. The eschars, or dead cancers, end up leaving the body vaginally, which makes perfect sense if you understand female human anatomy and the escharotic process. It's been a successful protocol for many. Katie is describing a woman who appears to have died while she was using this approach. There isn't enough information here to know what actually happened. Had this woman already gone the conventional route before using this bloodroot product? What stage of advancement was her cancer when she started? How old was she and what was her general health condeitions? For these and other questions, we have no answers.
What we do know -- if we are to believe the account -- is that this woman used a product not approved by the Medical Industrial Complex. And since Katie is immune to non-sequitors or elementary logic, it only stands to reason that Black Salve must have killed her.
We are not allowed to contemplate any other possibilities -- including the most obvious: people with advanced cancer cases are known to die from their cancer, particularly if they've been been subjected to radiation or chemotherapy.
If you do subscribe to other possibilities and discuss them online, be prepared to be censored.Katie (or someone else just like her) will be watching.

Greg Caton
November 2, 2019