caduceus Medical Uses

The links below describe some of the many potential medical uses of H3O. Anecdotal comments (testimonials) from end users have been edited in deference to our customers privacy requests. Amazingly, in 6 years of experimentation, not one credible case of toxicity or adverse reaction has been observed. These are preliminary comments and nothing contained herein should be construed to be conclusive and/or positively curative. **

How Can It
Make So Much?

We have been asked a number of times how our 8 fl. oz. bottle of H3O Concentrate can possibly make so much finished product (i.e. 7 to 10 gallons at pH 1.6 to 2.0). The answer is surprisingly simple: it really is that concentrated. When you get your product, you can test it yourself. The concentrate will be in the 0.0 to 0.5 range. Since finished product is usually in the 1.6 to 2.0 range, you just have to remember your high school chemistry: namely, that pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion. So a "0" is 10 times as acidic as a "1," a "1" is 10 times as acidic as a "2" ... so a "0" is 100 times stronger than a "2." This is why you can dilute our concentrate at ratios above 1:100 and you still have a strong acid solution that is under 2.0. When you get your Kit you can experiment and see this for yourself!

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Commercial Grade: H3O for Hot Tubs & Spas

A major discovery . . .

H3O Starter Kit

Our H3O Starter Kit has everything you need to take advantage of numerous applications of the "H3O Hydronium Concentrate": an 8 fl. oz. concentrate (makes 7 to 10 gallons of Usable H3O at pH 1.6-2.0, depending on the pH and purity of your "base water"); two empty "mixing containers," a 4 fl. oz. spray bottle for disinfecting and light mist applications, and a 4 fl. oz. medical application bottle with dropper; plus, a set of 100 non-bleeding pH indicator strips, for pH calibration purposes. Click picture to enlarge. Read Starter Kit instructions.

Learn How to Use the Kit
H3O & Food Stability: A Test
Shelf-life Considerations
Order H3O Now

T he hydronium ion, H3O (also written as "H+"), has been known about for some time and is a fundamental species to hornbook inorganic chemistry. The very measure used to quantify acidity and alkalinity is, by definition, based on the negative logarithm (pH) of the reduced version of this fundamental chemical, and the entity itself has been well defined as has been the method by which ordinary chemical acids increase hydronium ions in water. Moreover, we know the concentration of hydronium ions in blood plasma, measured in nanomoles/Liter.
Relationship of hydrogen ion and water to the hydronium species It seems bizarre, therefore, to suggest that it has taken us until the 21st century to figure out how to make a stabilized, highly concentrated version of H3O in solution, and uncover its medicinal uses. But bizarre or not, this just happens to be the case. If you take our "H3O concentrate," with a very acidic measure of under pH 0.5, and you test it using spectrometry, chromotography, or any other analytical chemical measure (other the pH), what do you get? You would appear (though erroneously, read Stability) to have nothing more than an aqueous solution of diluted sulphuric acid ("normal 1.8" or about 10:1 dilution ratio) -- except this is a solution you can easily swallow (more comfortably if diluted to a pH of 2.0, granted) at acidic levels, which, if we were talking about any other acid in the 0.0 to 0.5 pH range, would have potentially severe health consequences. (In Shelf-Life Considerations we talk about how the product is made, which we recommend you read.)
Alpha Omega Labs is in a partnership involving the manufacture of H3O for the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical markets, and we are introducing it to the general public for the first time. Although there is far more about H3O that scientists don't know than what we do know -- this much is certain: after 4 years of testing, we have found our H3O solution to be completely non-toxic and hypoallergenic -- in fact, it has been used extensively at the pH 2.0 dilution value to treat eye infections! The researchers with whom we are associated have been gargling with it (at pH 2.0 dilution) for years -- ever since they learned that, for some reason, they stopped getting any plaque buildup on their teeth when they used it orally.
Although our H3O will not harm ordinary skin (for reasons that are still baffling the academics with whom we have shared it), it will burn holes in fabrics (particularly cotton), in its undiluted concentrate form, after a day or two. Since we sell the concentrate version, please be well aware of this. We discovered this for ourselves after asking why those in the lab had holes in their work clothes. The known medical effects and benefits of H3O which we know, to this point, are viewable from links to the left of this article. You should not interpret any of our lab notes as an indication of a claimed treatment or cure. We doubt that any regulatory agency on earth will ever approve it as a claimed treatment. Therefore, we reproduce the results submitted by end users for your perusal.

Distributor, Exporter & Bulk Inquiries Welcome. See also, minimum requirements.

pH test on H3O concentrate
Using the pH strips that accompany your kit, you will see that our H3O concentrate consistently tests at 0.0 to 0.5. And yet... it is completely non-corrosive.

INGREDIENTS: Purified water, high concentration hydronium ion in aqueous solution, sulphuric acid.
DIRECTIONS: Use the pH strips that accompany this product to lower acidity to desired level. Since your base water will probably be on the acid side of a neutral 7.0, you will need to initially experiment to see what ratio of water-to-H3O produces the desired pH product you are looking for. The pH you are looking for will depend on your particular application. Since H3O has numerous uses, you will want to have several dilution ratios to serve different applications for your hydronium. We provide some examples on the right side panel of this label.
DILUTION GUIDELINES: If you are using our H3O concentrate for the first time, use the pH strips that accompany the Starter Kit to find the dilution ratios that match your “base water.” Since 1 fl. oz. of H3O to a gallon of water will achieve a 1.6 to 2.0 pH using most purified water (1:129 ratio), many people use this for most applications. If you are using the product for certain medical applications or for your own research at more acidic ranges, you may want a more precise pH. Your base water is ideally “purified” (distilled or “RO”).
WARNING: If you get H3O concentrate in your eyes, just wash/dilute with water.

The New "Super"

Preliminary testing shows that H3O has incredible potential as a food preservative. The same "super anti-microbe" characteristics it has generated in medical applications is manifesting in food preservation tests. In a separate report, H3O & Food Stability: A Test, we discuss test results obtained last year on post-harvest tomatoes, which we hope will encourage other, politically-neutral research institutions to follow our lead and those of our associates. If the results to date stand up under scrutiny, there is the distinct possibility that stabilized H3O could not only replace the usual standard-fare food-grade acidulents, such as phosphoric, citric, and lactic acids in a variety of applications, but, of even greater significance and importance, it would replace entire categories of preservatives: virtually all sorbates, benzoates, proprionates, nitrates, and their salts for most food processing stability applications, particularly in fluid and "IM mode" (intermediate moisture) substrates.

** DISCLAIMER: The information on this page is for educational purposes, and to act as a guide to prospective researchers. Neither H3O nor HRx are intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, mitigation, or prevention of any disease, or to affect the structure or bodily function, of man or other animals.

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